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04/09/1973 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
04/09/1973 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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120 <br />April 9, 1973 <br />level of the building and will be there dai ly and 3 or 4 nights during <br />the week. This will be his only occupation. Mr. Locher read the Ord- <br />inance concerning the requi rements for Liquor I i cense. Mr. Zelinka <br />moved to grant a Ligour license to Mr. Chuck Larsen contingent upon his <br />change of address, and ful ful I ing the requi rements for insurance and <br />bonds. Mr. Locher added that his insurance must have the clause "that <br />a 10 day written notice must be given before cancel lation." Mr. Cardinal <br />seconded. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Cardinal reported that he had a request from Mr. Robert Bertrand <br />asking the use of Sunrise Perk for a Softball tournament of April 28th <br />and 29th. He reported that Mr. Bertrand was a member of the Military <br />Police stationed in St. Paul, and is willing to deposit $50.00 for clean <br />up. Mr. Bertrand was told that;he must present the proper written <br />application for a beer permit and proof of Liability insurance for the <br />2 days. There was discussion on the requi rements. Mr. Marier moved that <br />a special permit be issued to Mr. Bertrand upon receipt of proof of <br />insurance. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Jaworski reported on the meeting he and Mr. Marier had attended in <br />Hugo concerning the work to be done on 24th. The Hugo council kept a <br />copy of the specs and the map and will let us know by the 1st of June. <br />Mr. Jaworski reported that he had had an inquiry about the dirt on <br />Sunrise to be removed. The proposal was to remove and dispose of the <br />stumps and take the dirt. Mr. Jaworski asked i f the Counci 1 had any <br />objections to an arrangement such as this. Mr. Marier asked if there <br />would be a limit to the amount of dirt removed. Mr. Jaworski said, <br />Yes, that it would be to the grade specified by the Village. The Council <br />was in agreement with this sort of an arrangement. <br />Mr. Jaworski also reported that if it was necessary Mr. Brisson would <br />let us take some of his property to straighten our Peltiesx Lake Drive. <br />Mr. Gotwald didn't think this was necessary. The firm to remove the <br />tree stumps had not been out as yet. Mr. Marier said if there was no <br />bid by Wednesday to call him. <br />Mr. Marier reported that the P &Z had interviewed the two prospective <br />planners. They will take a vote at the next P &Z board meeting and <br />present their recommendation t o the l . Counci <br />Mr. Zelinka reported that the Enviornmental Commission will meet on <br />April 10, 1973 to discuss the Iandfill application. A_iso,the Personnel <br />Commission will meet on Monday, April 16, 1973 to review salaries of <br />employees and all Coucni'men are invited to attend. <br />He had e call from Jim Carey, a 6th grade student at Lino School, who <br />was organizing a clean -up project and wanted to know if the Village Truck <br />would haul away the junk they collected. Mr. Zelinka authorized the use <br />of the truck for this project and treated the kids at Hank's Cafe. The <br />Council instructed the Clerk to write a letter of "Thanks" to the girls <br />and boys. Mr. Bohjanen wi l l provide the I ist. Cardinal moved to <br />reimburse Mr. Zelinka for costs endured in clean -up of Village Streets. <br />Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Motion carried. <br />
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