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04/10/1973 Council Minutes
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City Council Meeting Minutes
04/10/1973 Council Minutes
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Ap ri I 9, 1973 <br />Mr. Cardinal replies that the Board wants the plane out. He told Mr. <br />Locher that Mr. Murray teh attorney for the Rice Creek Watershed will <br />be contacting him and they will take it from there. <br />Mr. Locher reported that Mr. Roy Stanley had called and changed his mind. <br />He will not plat at this time, the cost of the street in comparision to the <br />number of lots he has is probibitive. Mr. Burque bad appeared at the <br />County Commissioners in regards to the lots he owns on 20th Street South. <br />Mr. Lundheim had inspected the property and the present set back of 6.6' <br />is not enough, he wants 120' County right -o -way. <br />Mr. Locher had read the letter on sewage from boats and thought that <br />the inquiry should be answered even though we have none. <br />Mr. Jaworski asked Mr. Backlin about the bids for the fence. Mr. Backlin <br />said he had only one bid for the fence and one bid for the steam cleaner. <br />Under old business, Mr. Jaworski said that he had heard that the Village <br />will not have a float in the 4th of July Parade. No one else had heard <br />anything about it. Mr. Jaworski thought it was good advertisement for <br />our Village. He said he would check into this matter. Mr. Cardinal <br />said he understood that the Police Car was not being left in the ViIlage <br />at night. He understood that when the two men were hired that the Patrol <br />Car was to stay in the Village at night. Mayor Bohjanen is having a <br />meeting with the Police on Wednesday p ri1 11, he will find out about this <br />at that time. <br />Mr. Zelinka moved to approve requisitions #231 thru #237. Seconded by <br />Mr. Cardinal. Motion carried with Mr. Marier voting no, #234 is an <br />open bid. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to pay bills #5055 thru #5078 holding #5053 and #5077. <br />He wants Ilea rification from the County on work done on #5053. #5077 <br />was void. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Marier moved to adjourn at 10:20 P.M. Seconded b Mr. Cardinal. AYE <br />Minutes approved at the meeting of Ap riI 23, 1973. � ,{_.-/ <br />Clerk- Treasurer <br />A special meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council was called to order <br />at 8:10 P.M. April 10, 1973 by Mayor Bohjanen. Councilmen present; <br />Jaworski, Zelinka. Absent; Marier, Cardinal. Mr. Locher was present. <br />Mr. Dougherty was unable to attend this meeting and Mr. Payne was here to <br />answer questions. Mr. Payne is assistant Chief Engineer for the MSB. <br />Mayor Walter Pracher and members of the Centervi I le Counci I were introduced <br />to Mr. Payne. Mr. Bohjanen asked Mr. Payne if he would explain the SAC. <br />Mr. Payne apologized for Mr. Dougherty but explained that he had a conflict <br />of meetings. Mr. Payne then went through some of the history of the MSB <br />and explained how it all came about. He then discussed the Reserve Capacity <br />charges and explained why these charges could not be met by the small un- <br />developed communities. These charges were beyond their abi to pay, <br />thus the current concept was formulated. This allows the charges to be <br />paid in part by the current users. <br />
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