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05/14/1973 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/14/1973 Council Minutes
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130 <br />Apri I 25, 1973 <br />Mr-. Jaworski said his company charges 12.50 for a tractor and driver and <br />extra for a trai ler. <br />Mr. Locher was authorized to meet with Mr. Dougherty and continue the <br />negoitations on the contract. <br />Mr. Locher also had a letter from the Humane Society concerning Birch <br />Wood Hi I Is stables stating that they had called the owner and told her <br />there should be a vet from the University of Minn. look at the animals <br />there. They also say that itslnow up to the Village to sign a complaint <br />against the owner. The Counci I asked Mr. Locher to contact the Humane <br />Society and ask if they wi 11 sign the complaint. Mr. Locher will report <br />back at the next Council meeting. Mr. Cardinal asked what the set backs <br />were on County roads. Mr. Locher said it had been 75' from the right-of- <br />way. That in the past the roadway was 100' now they want 120' and they <br />want to change that 150',: There is no definite figure. Mr. Marier felt <br />that they should establish a figure and stop changing these requirments. <br />The County says they need the 150' for Federal funding. The Council asked <br />Mr. Locher to check with the State and find out if this is so. <br />Mr. Zelinka said he had received a complaint form Mr. (Lawrence Johnson of <br />Country Lake about the requirement of a water meter. The Clerk said that <br />Mr. Johnson had written her office and she had answered and explained the <br />entire operation to him. <br />Mr. Marier questioned Requisition #239 he asked if amunition and guns for <br />the Police could not be obtained through the County and was told no. <br />#246 is for what? Mr. Cardinal answered, the Civil Defense Float. #245 <br />for tires for the Patrol Car. Mr. Myhre explained that he had not filled <br />out the requ i st i on becuase he wanted the Council to decide which tires he <br />should get. He didn't want to fill out a requisition for one type and <br />have it turned down by the Council becuase he needs tires on the car <br />now and cannot wait for another Council meeting. He said he would recommend <br />the steel be4ted tires, they wear 40% longer and get 10% better mi leage. <br />Mr. Myhre fi I led out the requisition for the steel belted tires. Mr. <br />Cardinal moved to approve requisitions #239 through #250. Seconded by <br />Mr. Zelinka. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to pay the bills #5079 through #5103 inclusive. <br />Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to adjourn at 12:25 A.M. Seconded by Mr. Marier. AYE <br />Minutes approved at the May 14, 1973 Meeting. <br />Clerk-Treasurer <br />May 14, 1973 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council was cal led to <br />order by Mayor Bohjanen at 8:05 P.M. on May 14, 1973. Councilmen pre- <br />sent; Jaworski, Zelinka, Absent; Cardinal, Marier. Mr. Locher and Mr. <br />Carley were present. <br />
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