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06/25/1973 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
06/25/1973 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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148 <br />June 25, 1973 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council meeting was called <br />to order at 8:00 P.M. on June 25, 1973 by Mayor Bohjanen. Councilmen <br />present; Cardinal, Jaworski, Marier, Zelinka. Mr. Locher and Mr. Carley <br />were also present. <br />The minutes of the June 1 1 , 1973 were corrected as follows; page 2, para- <br />graph 7; add "see" in last sentence after "could ". Mr. Zelinka moved to <br />approve the minutes as corrected. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Motion carried <br />with Mr. Cardinal abstaining. <br />The Clerk read the recommendation from Mr. Dupre concerning the barn at the <br />Birch Wood Hi l Is stables. Mr. Dupre recommended the barn be razed due to <br />the deterioration of the structure. Mr. Locher will put this on file for <br />future reference in connection with the operations being conducted at that <br />location. <br />There was a request for a street light at the corner of East Shadow Lake <br />Drive and Birch street. Since this is a temporary entrance to the area, <br />the Council tabled this matter until the permanent street is in. <br />The Clerk reported that she had received $47.50 in municipal fines. She <br />had also received an affidavit of publication for the Federal Revenue Sharing <br />form. <br />Mr. Burman and Mr. Steffen were here from Anoka County representing the <br />Board of Commissioners to discuss the County plans for roads in our area. <br />Mr. Burman reviewed the roads the County now maintains within the V i I l age. <br />He also reported the request of the Village that the County assume the <br />maintenance of Pine Street and 24th Avenue has been turned over to the County <br />Planner. <br />Mr. Steffen reviewed the proposed Northtown Corridor. This stretch of road- <br />way will be some 16 miles long and will necessitate the removal of 28 homes. <br />Since this is the proposed route, the municipalities involved will be asked <br />to hold this corridor open. At the present time there is no proposal to <br />put a major route through the Chain of Lakes area. <br />Mr. Jaworski asked where this leaves the Village as to Pine Street and 24th <br />Avenue. We have problems with these streets since they are boundary streets <br />and require joint funding for any work done on them. He asked if the <br />County would consider trading some the presently County controlled streets <br />such as Elm Street, Lilac and Birch Street. There was discussion on this <br />but no decision made. Mr. Burman suggested that Mr. Jaworski think this <br />over carefully since there is much work to be done onBirch. <br />Mr. Marier felt that 24th should be maintained by a mutual agree ment <br />between Anoka and Wahington Counties. This problem has been discussed <br />for the last 5 to 8 years with no action taken and we need an answer on <br />this now. <br />Mr. Burman said that Anoka County had agreed to this a few years ago but <br />had no participation from Washington County. He felt that Lino Lakes should <br />get Hugo to work with Washington County and the Commissioner serving that <br />
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