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06/25/1973 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
06/25/1973 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />June 25, 1973 <br />area in order to get this matter taken care of. <br />Mr. Jaworski said he and Mr. Marier had attended two Hugo Council meetings <br />and had asked them to write their Commissioner requesting that the County <br />take over that Street, but so far, had had no response. Mr. Jaworski asked <br />if a request of this sort goes before the entire Board of Commissioners or <br />is handled by the one Commissioner serving that particular area? <br />Mr. Burman said that this must be approved by the entire Board. He has the <br />approval of the Anoka County Board and will send this information to the <br />Washington County Board again. <br />There was discussion on the possibility of East Rondeau Lake Drive becoming <br />A County Road. Mr. Jaworski said there had just been an amount of money <br />spent on that road and if this had been known, we might have spent the money <br />some place else. <br />Mr. Cardinal asked Mr. Burman if he thought that the two bodies of County <br />Commissioners could get together for a meeting to discuss the County Line <br />Road. <br />Mr. Burman said it would difficult, especially in the summer months, but <br />he will try. He also reminded the Council that on all new roads being <br />built by the County, that a 120' right -of -way is necessary. He will take <br />the question of Pine Street to the Board, but he felt that unless there <br />was a commercial venture involved, it was unlikely the Board would consider <br />it. The final map for road plans will be ready on July 9, 1973. <br />Mr. Jaworski felt that the areas nearer the Twin Cities was getting more <br />work done that the outlying areas such as our Village. He felt this was <br />an unfair practice. <br />Mr. Zelinka asked Mr. Burman to have someone take a look at three large <br />trees located on the County right -of -way at Elm Street and Old Highway #8. <br />These trees are decaying and present a hazard and should be removed. <br />Mr. Burman said he would have it taken care of. He thanked the Council and <br />he and Mr. Steffen left. <br />Mr. Marier reported on the Planning and Zoning Board meeting held on June <br />20, 1973. Mr. Fran Burque was to appear in connection with h i s so i I removal <br />operation located on the East side of the Village but was unalbe to because <br />of a death in the Family. The Clerk will send him a copy of the Ordinance <br />outlining the steps necessary for Mr. Burque to be granted a special use <br />permit. He was re- scheduled to appear at the July 18, 1973 meeting. <br />Mr. Marier also reported that Mr. Damagala, who proposed to build a boat <br />works and a plant for wire materials. He is also interested in using <br />one of the Lakes for the testing of the racing boats. He had also proposed <br />to use the North end of George Watch Lake as a possible site for speed boat <br />races. The Planning and Zoning Board rejected this tidea as not being com- <br />patible with the concept of the Open Space idea. He will complete his plans <br />and reappear before the Board. <br />9 <br />
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