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07/23/1973 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
07/23/1973 Council Minutes
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12/16/2014 1:15:49 PM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />July 23, 1973 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council was call to order <br />July 23, 1973 at 8:05 P.M. by acting Mayor Zelinka. Councilmen present; <br />Cardinal, Jaworski, Marier. Absent; Mayor Bohjanen due to i I lness. <br />The minutes of the July 9, 1973 meeting was corrected as follows; <br />Page 1, paragraph 6, last line, change "Jaworski" to "Marier" <br />Page 1, paragraph 7, first line should read "Mr. Jaworski moved to <br />amend the motion to include a Bingo permit for November 18, 1973." <br />Page 2, paragraph 8 & 9, after the name "Frank" add "Resch" in both <br />paragraphs. <br />Page 6, paragraph 3, second line, third word, should be "what" <br />Page 7, paragraph 1, third line, change word "stop" to "step" <br />Page 11, paragraph 7, after "Lakes" put period. Delete the rest of the <br />sentence. Omit "a" and add "our ". Fifth line after "way" omit "it" add <br />"the resolution." Ninth I ine, omit "their" and add "Mr. Torki Idson." <br />Twelfth l i ne after "away" delete the rest of the sentence and add "too <br />much area from the development." <br />Page 15, paragraph 6, after "cases" omit word "of" and use "are." <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Seconded by Mr. <br />Jaworski. Motion carried. <br />The Clerk reported that she had received; <br />Tax settlement from the Anoka County Auditor's office in the amount of <br />$86,499.32 of which $44,631.03 was paid for special assessments. <br />Federal Revenue Sharing Check for $5,515.00. <br />First half of homestead tax credit- $8,906.06, <br />Municipal court fines - $57.50. <br />Personal property reimbursement from State $228.20. <br />Second payment from State Aid $13,101.53. <br />There was a letter from Mr. Hutchinson of the Anoka County Health Department, <br />proposing an Ordinance governing the installation of septic systems on a <br />County wide basis. The Counci I felt that our Ordinance covers this very <br />well and at the presennt time, we would prefer to stay with our regulations. <br />Mr. Marier moved to continue with present septic system standards. Seconded <br />by Mr. Jaworski. Motion carried. The Clerk was instructed to write Mr. <br />Hutchinson of this decision and to send a copy of Ordinance #53. The Clerk <br />read a letter from the County Board of Commissioners informing the Council of <br />the new Central Radio Communications System which will go into effect on October <br />15, 1973. This system uses the Sheriff's number - 427 -1212 as the emergency number <br />for the entire County of Anoka. There was a suggested format for telephone <br />listing for the new directory now being assembled. The Council instructed the <br />Clerk to contact Northwestern Bel I and request the Vi I lage be listed as presented. <br />Mr. Jaworski asked the Clerk to contact the County in reference to the Fund <br />Sharing work program and get the necessary information for the Vi Ilage to be <br />able to uti l i ze this Fund. <br />There w i I I be a special Counci I meeting on July 31, 1973 at 8:00 P.M. with <br />Mr. Gotwlad to go over recommendations from the Engineers as to the expansion <br />of sewers within the V i I l age once the interceptor has been installed. <br />The Clerk was informed that this notice must be posted in three public places. <br />She questioned the Council as to where they could be posted since there is only <br />
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