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08/13/1973 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
08/13/1973 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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182 <br />August 13, 1973 <br />Mr. Kenneth Gourley appeared before the Council asking that money he <br />has in escrow at Centennial State Bank be released. The plumbing and <br />electric wiring on his home has been brought up to code and has passed <br />final inspection. Mr. Cardinal moved to release this money. Seconded <br />by Mr. Zelinka. Motion carried. The Clerk was instructed to write the <br />bank notifying them of the decision of the Council. <br />The Clerk reported that she had received an informational guide for <br />preparing 1974 municipal budgets and had made copy for each Counci 'man. <br />She read the letter from Mr. Charles Lefebvre, Anoka County Auditor, <br />requesting that the Clerk's office continue with voter registration as <br />in the past. There will be additional instructions from his office at <br />alater date. <br />There was a letter from the Attorney General's office concerning an <br />anti -trust suit against, General Motors, Ford and Chrysler Motors. There <br />was a questionnaire to be fi I led out in regards to vehicles purchased <br />by the Vi I lage since 1968. The Clerk and Mr. Backl in was instructed to <br />check old records for the necessary information and fi I I out the form. <br />There was a survey form on Election procedures practiced by the Village. <br />The Clerk is to fi l I out and return. <br />There were letters from the Metropolitan League of Municipalities, <br />Hennepin County League of Municipalites and League of Minnesota <br />Municipal ites announcing meetings and League dues. These letters were <br />tabled for future consideration. <br />The Clerk had made copies of letters from Mr. Robert Herbst, Metro Sewer <br />Board on the Comprehensive Sewer Plan fi led by Blaine, Rice Creek Water= <br />shed Board concerning Mr. Anderson's driveway on Birch Street, a letter <br />from the Bicentennial Commission, Rice Creek Watershed District Minutes. <br />These were informational letters and needed no action. There was a <br />letter from Mr. Mattke, Centennial School District, in Parks and Rec- <br />reation announcing a meeting on Wednesday, August 15, 1973. Mr. Jaworski <br />and Mr. Boh j anen wi I I try to attend this meeting. Mr. Paul Breher had <br />written asking for the opportunity to submit a quotation for insurace <br />for the Village. This letter was put on file. <br />There was a letter from North Central requesting permission to extend <br />the natural gas line located on Orange Street for an additional 800' in <br />order to service the homes in that area. After looking over the plans <br />and checking with Mr. Gotw lad, the Council gave their approval to the <br />extension with the stipulation that, if, in the future, the lines should <br />interfer with Village construction, it would be the reponsibility of <br />North Central to relocate the line. <br />North Central had also written a letter stating they will be able to meet <br />the gas needs of existing customers and to provide for normal growth <br />for the next heating season. <br />Since the arrival of Mr. Zelinka, there was now a quorum to approve the <br />minutes of the special meetings. The minutes of July 25, 1973 were <br />corrected as fol lows; <br />Page 6, paragraph 6, put period after "Indebtness" and delete the <br />remainer of the sentece. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Seconded by <br />Mr. Zelinka. Motion carried with Mr. Cardinal abstaining. <br />Mr. Zelinka moved to approve the minutes of July 31, 1973 as presented. <br />Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Motion carried with Mr. Cardinal abstaining. <br />
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