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08/13/1973 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
08/13/1973 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />August 13, 1973 <br />Mr-. Bohjanen gave a brief report on the NSSSB meeting where our position <br />on the Lino Lakes-Centerville interceptor was confirmed. There seemed to <br />be some doubt on the part of the NSSSB as to the ability of Lino Lakes <br />and Centervi I le to finance mains and laterals to utilize this interceptor <br />Mr. Carley and Mr. Bohjanen assured the Board there was no problem in <br />that area. Mr. Bohjanen also informed them that we would(ontinue to <br />work for this interceptor-. <br />Mr. Gotw I ad reported that, his firm has completed the comprehensive study <br />that was ordered by the Counci I and is ready for printing. He should <br />have it in the Clerk's office by the end of this week. <br />Mr. Bohjanen felt that a joint meeting of the Centerville and Lino Lakes <br />Councils should be set up in order to discuss this situation. He felt <br />there is a better chance to put this over by joint effort of the two <br />Villages. <br />Mr. Bohjanen reported that the misunderstanding with Centervi l le over <br />Police protection had been cleared at the Aug. 6, 1973 meeting with the <br />Police. He had also attended their last Council meeting and had turned <br />over the reports from the Pol ice Department. The Centervi Ile Council <br />has written to the County Sheriff's office asking for more patrol l i ng <br />on the County Roads in this area. Mr. Zelinka felt that a letter should <br />be sent from our Vi I lage with the same request over the signature of <br />the Mayor and the Clerk. Mr. Bohjanen asked the Clerk to formulate such <br />a letter for his signature. <br />The Clerk reported that she had had a complaint on speeding on 20th <br />Avenue South. There was discussion of this problem but since this is <br />a County Road, we cannot post a lower speed limit. The Council also felt <br />that the County would not post it at a lower speed. <br />There was discussion as to how this could be controlled. Mr. Jaworski <br />suggested removing the I i ght from the top of the Fi re Marsha I I's car, <br />equiping it with radar, paint the doors and use it as an unmarked car <br />for traffic control. There was discussion on this idea and Mr. Locher <br />said it could only be used part of the time for that purpose, it will <br />sti I I have to be used as a Fi re Marshal I's car. Mr. Jaworski said the <br />Fire Marshall doesn't use the red light and if he really needed one, a <br />drop light could be put on the inside of the car. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to re -equip the car as he had suggested. Seconded by <br />Mr. Cardinal. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Cardinal reported that things in the Parks are progressing. There <br />is a requisition for paint for the Hockey Rinks. A boy from the School <br />work program will be here tomorrow morning at 9:00 AM to start painting. <br />The only stipulation is that he must work 8 hours a day for a period of <br />two weeks. If the painting is finished before the two weeks are up, Mr. <br />Backlin wi I I find other work for him to do. Mr. Cardinal asked Mr. Backl in <br />to check on a new door for the warming house at Sunrise Park. <br />Mr. Bohjanen asked Mr. Cardinal if they had found a building to be used <br />as a warming house at the Hall property. Mr. Cardinal said, "Not yet." <br />
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