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08/30/1973 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
08/30/1973 Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />August 30, 1973 <br />facilites. The Council asked that she be put on the next P &Z agenda. <br />The Clerk is 'to contact her. <br />Mr. Marier reported on the P &Z meeting. Mr. Leo Hager, Mr. Ray Hager and <br />Mr. Gordie Howe had appeared seeking a variance to the 150' footage <br />requirement on land owned by Mr. Ray Hager on Bald Eagle Boulevard. He <br />wants to split his lot and his brother wants to build. The P &Z had re- <br />commended denial of the variance. These men were at the Council meeting <br />and explained that they have arranged for the peat to be removed and re- <br />placed by sand. There will also be pilings put in to insure proper foot- <br />ings. Northway Construction has insisted on this measure. The perc test <br />has been done showing there would be a need for 5 feet of fill in order <br />for the drain fields to work properly and be above the water table. <br />There was discussion on the fact that they cannot buy extra footage and <br />the fact that by splitting off this 110 feet they are in fact making two <br />lots of i I legal size, making the request for a variance for one lot not <br />sufficient. The Counci I.suggested that the, }check with the property owner <br />on the other side for the possible purchase of extra footage in that <br />di rection. <br />Mr. Zelinka said that he would prefer- to take a look at the property <br />before he made a decision. <br />Mr. Jaworski felt that in all fairness to Mr. Hager that a decision should <br />be made tonight. He felt that by making two illegal sized lot, there was no <br />way a variance could be granted. <br />Mr. Howe requested that the Counci I take a look before making a decision. <br />He felt that a house on the property would improve the way it looks. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to table this request until the Council could take a <br />look at the property. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Marier reported on the request for a variance by Mr. Pariseau. He <br />wanted to bui I d a duplex on a 100 foot lot located on Ash Street just off <br />Centerville Road. This is the only footage left, with buildings on either <br />side. The P &Z had recommended approval of a single fami ly dwelling on <br />this land but had had second thoughts about it because of the lack of <br />necessary frontage. Mr. Marier said the P &Z was quite concerned about <br />the variances being approved for lots with less than the 150' requirement. <br />He felt that we should either enforce the Ordinances on the books or re- <br />write them if they are not serving the purpose they were written for. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to deny the request for a variance by Mr. Pariseau. <br />Seconded by Mr. Marier. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Marier said the Open Space Commission had been meeting with the <br />representatives from Anoka Coutny Park Board for some 9 months working <br />on the open space concept. They have agreed on a resolution and the <br />Open Space Commission has worked out a map. He asked that Mr. McLean <br />and Mr. Clausen present their recommendation to the Council. <br />Mr. McLean read the Resolution and the guide lines agreed on by the <br />Commission and Anoka County. He presented both the maps one from the <br />Open Space Commission and the Anoka County Park Boards version. <br />189 <br />
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