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08/30/1973 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
08/30/1973 Council Minutes
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190 <br />August 30, 1973 <br />Mr. Bohjanen asked if the major differences centered around the golf course? <br />Mr. Glenn Rehbein felt that this land included in the open space leaves <br />these people with no bargining power. They cannot sell their land to the <br />highest bidder because it is included in the open space. <br />Mr. Locher went over the legal recourse to people who have land in this <br />area and are not satisfied with the offer from the County. <br />Mr. Zelinka said the purpose of the map was to say that this is the only <br />area that the County can consider for the Park area. <br />Mr. Jaworski asked of some property owner outside this area wanted to <br />sell his land to the County for Park purposes, could he? <br />Mr. Torkildson said his understanding was that it could only be done with <br />the permission of the Vi I lage Council. <br />The consensus of the Council was that if the land owner wanted to sell <br />to the County, that would be his decision. The County can only condemn <br />within the boundaries as they are finally agreed on. Outside these <br />boundary lines, if the County is interested in the land, they can <br />negotiate with the land owner, but cannot condemn his land. <br />There was discussion on the amount of acreage taken by the county map and <br />on the Village proposal. Mr. Frazer asked if there was money available <br />to but all this Land and what the price per acre would be. <br />Mr. Torkildson said a letter will be sent to the people when the appraisal <br />are completed. He cannot discuss the price per acre since only one <br />appraisal is in and the work is not completed. He explained that they <br />have $1,000,750.00 at the present time but this is not near enough and <br />they will not try to acquire all the land at one time. They will have to <br />do it in steps as the monies become available. <br />There was discussion of the fact that the County had just learned of the <br />Bond Issue that the Village has for the Country Lakes area. Mr. <br />Torkildson asked that any decision be deferred until the County has time <br />to study this situtation and give the Attorneys time to confer. <br />Mr. Locher said the Ass i sstant County Attorney, Mr. Munson and Mr. Askew <br />had not known of the special assessments in that area and that we have <br />only collected one -half of the first year's assessment. <br />After more discussion of these new aspects, Mr. Zelinka moved to table <br />this until the Council meeting on September 19, 1973. <br />Mr. Marier asked if it should not be just our Attorney and the County <br />Attorney - why should a third party get involved? <br />Mr. Locher said the Attorney's representing U.S. Lakes should also be <br />there. This is in order to protect their investment. <br />Mr. Marier wondered if there was a need if we accept Exhibit A as pre- <br />sented by the Open Space Commission. <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />
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