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09/10/1973 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
09/10/1973 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />Sept. 10, 1973 <br />Letter from Metro Council announcing meetings dealing with the <br />1974 Work Program and Budget of the Metro Counci l . <br />Letter from the State of Minnesota Tax Department stating the amount <br />of State Aid the Village will receive for 1974. $67,811.01. <br />Announcement of meeting set up by the Metro Council dealing with <br />the Five Year Capital Improvement Program of the MSB. This meeting <br />will be held on Sept. 12, 1973 at the Fridley City Hal 1. Mr. <br />Bohjanen, Mr. Locher and Mr. Gotwald wi I I attend. <br />The Vi I l age has received payment for sewage hauling from March <br />thru July from the MSB in the amount of $2,962.50. <br />Mayor Bohjanen asked the Clerk to have the Election Judges list ready <br />for approval at the next Council meeting. He also requested Mr. Lcoher <br />to report on the meeting with the County Attorney, Jandric Attorney's <br />and himself in conjunction with the Open Space proposal in the Country <br />Lake area. Mr. Locher reported that Mr. Jandric did not seemed to be <br />opposed to the taking of the land, if his price was met by the County <br />Parts Department. The most important issue is that the assessments on <br />the property must be p a i d in order to protect the V i l l a g e . I f the golf <br />course is taken by the Perks Department, it would then be leased to the <br />Village for some such sum as $I.00 per year and the Village would <br />assume the management of the course. <br />Mr. Jaworski was concerned that this then might remain a 9 hole course <br />and not be completed to the 18 hole course as originally set up. Mr. <br />Torkildson felt this would be a good place for people just beginning <br />to golf to dearn. Mr. Jaworski said this course had been designed for <br />pro golf and would not serve as a training course. <br />Mr. Locher said if the County condemns the land, they will then be <br />responsible for the assessments. The Park Board would then pay them <br />in full in order to avoid the interest. <br />Mr. Bohjanen emphasized that this decision leaves the Village free of <br />responsibility of protecting this property. The negotiations would be <br />between the land owner and County. <br />There was some discussion with residents of the Country Lake area who <br />were concerned that the Park would encroach on their residential area. <br />They were assured that the present plans do not include any of the lands <br />already plotted. <br />Mr. Bohjanen asked Mr. Glenn Rehbein to present his plans for sewer <br />construction in the Shenandoah area. <br />Mr. Rehbein said Mr. Gotwald has the plans. Mr. Gotwald explained that <br />his firm had drawn these plans on instructions from the Village. They <br />are designed to fit into the overall comprehensive plan for the V i I l age . <br />These plans have been submitted to the PCA and MSB and had been turned <br />down becuase the comprehensive sewer plan for the Village had not been <br />completed at the time they were submitted. This comprehensive plan has <br />now been completed and filed with the PCA and MSB. <br />There was discussion on the land use map which the P &Z is working on <br />and the fact thdit there will be some changes but not many. There was <br />
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