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10/09/1973 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
10/09/1973 Council Minutes
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206 <br />Oct. 9, 1973 <br />Mr. Stan ley Petersen, the Community Education Di rector for School District <br />No. 831 was here to explain their program. This program encompasses a l l age <br />groups from pre - schoolers to retired persons and covers all areas of activities <br />- sports to art classes and study groups. He gave a resume of the financial <br />structure of the orginazation and the communities involved in the program. <br />He said the program is control led by an Advisory Council with members coming <br />from each supporting community. This program wi I I probably be financed by a <br />$1.00 per capita levy for the 1974 - 75 school year. <br />Mr. Z e l i n k a asked about participation in the program if we did not contribute. <br />Mr. Petersen said that the decision of the Adivsory Council was, that without <br />support, our Village would have no voice in the decision made by that body. <br />He assured the Council that the programs already in operation within our Village <br />would continue whether we came into the orginazation or not. <br />Mr. Jaworski asked how peon le who do not have children in the school, could get <br />information as to the program and the activities offered. <br />Mr. Petersen said that he has been using the Forest Lake Times and the Peach for <br />publicity. He has hopes of getting a brochure together that could be delivered <br />to each box holder i n the District. <br />Mr. Jaworski asked if the $1.00 per capita assessed levy would be over and <br />above the contributions made by the communities? Mr. Petersen said this levy <br />would be in lieu of the contributions. <br />Mr. Petersen suggested that if the Vi I l age wanted in the program, that the <br />Council name their Counci I member to represent this area and five advisory <br />members to assist the Chairman. After we have officially signed the Joint <br />Powers agreement, our representative would have a voice in the proceedings of <br />the Advisory Counci I. <br />Mr. Carlo Sooger, District 12 Coordinator, explained that his program is not <br />as far along as the one in Forest Lake Program. The Budget is not set as yet <br />and he was not in a position to name a figure as to what would be required <br />from our V i I l age. What he needed now is a representative from our Vi I I age to <br />serve on the Advisory Board. He asked that the Council name one within the next <br />few days. Mr. Zelinka asked if the programs would coordinated between the two <br />school Districts and could boundary lines be crossed if one offered a class <br />that was not offered in the other? <br />Mr. Sooger and Mr. Petersen agreed that this would not present a problem. They <br />both felt that the working together was mandatory. <br />There was a question as to how far the White Bear School District had progressed <br />with simi lar plans. No one had an answev but Mr. Petersen felt that by the 1974 - <br />75 school year, all three school districts would be financing their program with <br />the levy thus eliminating the contributions from local municipalities. Both men <br />felt that this is the only equitable way the financing could be handled. <br />Mr. Marier moved to join the Forest Lake and Centennial School Districts <br />Community Education Program and, in the future, the White Bear program. Seconded <br />by Mr. Zelinka. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Bohjanen had a request for a Beer license for Sunday, October 14, 1973 from <br />11:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. in conjunction with snowmobi le races sposored by the <br />
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