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Oct. 9, 1973 <br />2(i <br />Drifters Snowmobile Club. Their insurance policy accompanied the request. Mr. <br />Marier moved to grant the license. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Bohjanen questioned Mr. Dupre on the building erected on the A & L Sod Farm <br />located on Main Street and the sign for the sale of snowmobiles at the same <br />location. Mr. Dupre said there was no building permit, the sign is about 20 <br />square feet and thus should have a permit. There was some discussion on whether <br />a building permit would be required since this building is on agricultural land. <br />Mr. Locher said since snowmobiles are being sold from this building, the use <br />changes and there must be a permit issued and either a rezoning or variance <br />issued for this use. Mr. Zelinka suggested the Clerk write to Mr. Robinson and <br />request that he appear at the next Council meeting. <br />Mr. Frazer asked if the building inspector had the power to halt construction on <br />a building? He was told that the Building Inspector does have that power. Mr. <br />Dupre added that some communities charge a double fee if the building is started <br />without a permit. <br />Mr. Locher reminded the Council that the next Council meeting wi I I be on the 23rd <br />due to a Holiday falling on the 22nd. Mr. Zelinka had scheduled a Personnel <br />Commission meeting for that evening. He requested that the Clerk notify all <br />members that the meeting would be postponed until the 30th. <br />Mr. Jaworski felt that, in the same line of thought, that Skyline Auto Body <br />and Able Systems were also in violation of our Ordinance. He had observed them <br />im the practice of hauling in steel beams, cutting them and then painting them. <br />Mr. Locher read the things that are allowed under light manufacturing. They would <br />seem to qualify but, Mr. Jaworski moved that the Clerk write and request that <br />they also appear at the next Council meeting. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Motion <br />carried. <br />The screening at the Molin Concrete Plant was discussed. The Clerk had written <br />and Mr. Molin had replied by phone and had said that he would send a letter. Mr. <br />Marier moved that if a letter is not received within the next week, that he also <br />be requested to appear at the Council meeting. <br />The addition to the pole barn by Glen Rehbein was discussed. Mr. Marier requested <br />the date and number of the building permit. The permit was numbered 413 and was <br />dated September 25, 1973. Mr. Dupre said the structure is completed. Mr. Marier <br />moved that Mr. Rehbein be asked to appear at the next Council meeting and explain <br />why he built before obtaining a permit. Seconded by Mr Zelinka. <br />Mr. Jaworski asked what purpose this would serve except to reprimand Mr. Rehbein <br />and this could be done by letter. The motion carried with Mr Jaworski voting, No. <br />Mr. Dupre was also questioned on building permits for Forjay. He said there was <br />a permit for the storage building° Mr. Bohjanen said he thought this had been <br />settled that since this had been as an agricultural operation, no building <br />permits are required. Mr. Marier asked Mr. Dupre if he can get around the Vi I lage <br />to inspect for the construction of buildings without permits? Mr. Dupre said <br />that he didn't have that much time since this is time consuming. <br />Mr. Cardinal asked if any one ever reported on new construction to him. Mr. Dupre <br />said that some times the Police did. <br />Mr. Zelinka said there are a number of bui ldings in the Vi I lage that are in <br />various stages of construction. He wondered if the owners could be requested to <br />either complete the construction or remove them. Mr. Frazer said that the <br />