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11/12/1973 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
11/12/1973 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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f <br />November 12, 1973 <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to approve the minutes of November 7, 1973 with the stip- <br />ulation that if Mr. Marier feels there are corrections to be made, he can <br />do so at a later date. Motion died for lack of a second. Mr. Zelinka moved to <br />put the approval of these minutes on the agenda for November 26, 1973. Seconded <br />by Mr. Jaworski. Motion carried. <br />The applications for the Deputy - Clerk's position was reviewed. The Clerk <br />recommended the hiring of Joanne Pankratz. After some discussion Mr. Cardinal <br />moved to hire Joanne Pankratz as permanent full time Deputy- Clerk. Seconded by <br />Mr. Zelinka. Motion carried. <br />The Clerk asked that the Personnel Commission review the Deputy- Clerk's duties <br />with the idea of appointing her as Deputy- Clerk - Treasurer and having her bonded <br />so that when the Clerk is absent for whatever reasons the business of the Village <br />can be done. The Council agreed with this and directed Mr. Zelinka to take this <br />up with the Personel Commission. <br />Mr. Cardinal made a resolution authorizing the Clerk to cash the Certificates <br />of Deposits bought with SAC funds and transfer the monies in the General Fund. <br />Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Motion carried. <br />1 <br />The Clerk read the reports from Mr. Dupre concerning the trailer on Highway #49. <br />He stated that no one is living in the trailer and it is not connected in any <br />way. The Council agreed that if it is only parked there is nothing to be done. <br />As to the house on Gladstone, Mr. Dupre felt that it should be torn down and <br />be rebuilt salvaging the useable lumber. Mr. Jaworski moved to instruct the <br />Building Inspector to condemn the building and instruct the owner to rase. A <br />time limit to be set after condemnation. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Motion Carried. <br />The North Central Natural Gas Rate Authority on Gas Rates was discussed. Mr. <br />Jaworski felt that because of the inconsistency of the gas rate that the Village <br />should join this North Natural Gas Rate Authority and he so moved. Mr. Cardinal <br />seconded. Mr. cardinal asked Mr. Hawkins if there would be dues in connection <br />with membership in this orginazation. <br />Mr. Hawkins said he wasn't sure at this time, but thought there would probably <br />be some dues to defray adminstration costs. <br />Mr. Clem frazer asked if this orginazation would look into discrepancies in <br />bills. Mr. Hawkins thought that the main purpose of the orgazation was to study <br />differences in rates not billings. <br />Mr. Bohjanen felt this was one of the questions that would be asked at the <br />meetings. The motion carried. <br />The Clerk reported that a Bingo permit had been issued to the Lino. Mother's Club <br />for last Friday Night. Mr. Jaworski moved to ratify the issuance of the permit. <br />Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Motion carried. A member of the Lino Athletic Associa- <br />tion requested the use of the Hall for a meeting of that organazation for November <br />28, 1973. Since that date is open the request was granted. He apologized for the <br />delay in the request for the Bingo permit, saying it was caused by a mix -up and <br />thanked the Council for rushing it through. <br />There was a questionaire from the League of Municipalities concerning the dates <br />of our elections under the new law and some other questions pertaining the same <br />law. Mr. Jaworski moved to table this until the first or second meeting in <br />
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