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12/10/1973 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
12/10/1973 Council Minutes
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226 <br />December 10, 1973 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council was called to order at <br />8:00 P.M. on December 10, 1973 by Mayor Bohjanen. Councilmen present; Cardinal, <br />Jaworski, Marier. Absent; Zelinka. Mr. Locher and Mr. Gotwald were also present. <br />Mr. Marier moved to approve the minutes of November 26, 1973 as written. Seconded <br />by Mr. Jaworski. Motion carried. <br />The Clerk read a letter from the Forest Lake School District announcing that <br />Lino Lakes had been officially accepted into that District's Community Education <br />Program; reported that we have received the second half of the tax levy in the <br />amount of $39,909.34; Read a letter received from David Torkildson in reference <br />to the requested meeting with the Anoka County Commissioners. <br />The letter asked the purpose of the meeting and Mr. Marier felt that the purpose <br />of Certifying the Resolution and securing the boundaries of the Open Space were <br />made quite clear. He felt that a second letter should be written restating these <br />reasons. Mr. Marier asked Mr. Locher if there was any way we could place an in- <br />junction against the County until these boundaries are established. <br />Mr. Locher felt that since under the law, the permission of the Council is not <br />required for the acquisition of land by the County, . it was doubtful if this <br />could be accomplished. He thought that the Resolution could be established without <br />the Exhibit "A" being finalized. <br />Mr. Marier questioned the Legality of acquiring land for a regional park. He <br />thought that this law was for the acquisition of land for a local park. <br />Mr. Marier moved to have Mr. Locher write to the Board of Commissioners requesting <br />that they meet with the Council at their earlest convience and that the acquisition <br />of land be ceased until they have met with the Village Council. Seconded by Mr. <br />Jaworski. Motion carried unaminously. <br />Mr. Marier requested Mr. Locher to check into this law and see what rights the <br />Village has as to the County acquiring land for a regional park. <br />Mr. Bohjanen reported that the Police Department had reported there is a parking <br />problem at the 49 Club. Cars are parked so close to the corners that it is im- <br />possible to see at that intersection. He requested the Clerk to write to the State <br />and request "No Parking" signs at that intersection from 30 to 60 feet from the <br />corner. <br />He also had received a request from the State Department asking that we appoint <br />a fuel cordinator. The State Department had suggested that the Civil Defense <br />Director be appointed to this position. The Department needs to know how much fuel <br />is available at the local level and the coordinator is asked to draw up a fuel <br />allocation plan, especially for new residents who have no supplier. Mayor <br />Bohjanen said he would ask the Civil Defense Director to start on such a program. <br />If staff is needed, we will work from there. <br />He had also received a letter on the Flood Plan Insurance. This discussion was <br />deferred until Mr. Locher returned to the meeting. <br />
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