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12/10/1973 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
12/10/1973 Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />December 10, 1973 <br />Mayor Bohjanen also reminded the Council Members of the meeting with NSSSB on <br />Dec. 27, 1973 and the meeting with the Metro Council on the Comprehensive Land <br />Use Plan scheduled for Dec. 12, 1973. <br />Mr. Cardinal presented some figures he had on tractors. A 52hp gas - $6200.00; <br />62hp diesel $8000.00; A 4 wheel drive International loader with 11 cu. yd. - <br />$20,790.00. "Cat loader - 4 wheel drive, 111cu. yd. bucket - $26,000 to $27,000. <br />Mr. Backlin has figures on another tractor but he had not yet arrived. <br />Mr. Cardinal asked Mr. Resch if he had a list of names for the supervision of <br />the warming house to be set up at the Village Hall. Mr. Resch said he has 44 <br />volunteers for supervision, with 5 alternates. Some have hour preference so Mr. <br />Resch will set up the schedule and give it to the Clerk. Mr. Cardinal asked the <br />Clerk to have Mr. Backlin to get the unit here and set up and to start the <br />flooding on the rink. <br />Mr. Marier asked if the Clerk had any response to the letters that were written <br />in accordance with the instructions she received at the last Council meeting. <br />She had no response from Mr. Robinson, the letter to Mr. Tobish was returned, <br />marked "no forwarding address" and Able Systems had been red tagged. They had <br />also been in the office just this afternoon and will appear at the P &Z meeting <br />on Dec. 19, 1973. <br />Mr. Marier wondered if the red tag was being honored. He asked that Mr. Costa, <br />who will be on duty Tuesday afternoon, check on this situation and see that the <br />red tag is honored. <br />Mr. Locher returned and the subject of the Flood Plan Insurance was discussed. <br />Mr. Locher said he had contacted the State on this and in view of the Open Space <br />Program, it was felt that this might become an unnecessary thing since most of <br />the area that could be included in this plan would be located within the Open <br />Space. <br />Mr. Bohjanen suggested that the P &Z take a look at this in connection with the <br />Comprehensive Land Use Plan. <br />Mr. Locher said the cost of the study is paid for by HUD, but the cost of im- <br />plementing the program would be to the Village. <br />Mr. Marier moved to have Mr. Locher write a letter informing them that we feel <br />that the areas that are questionable are under the jurisdiction of the Rice Creek <br />Water Shed Board. The other areas are in the Open Space Program. Any other <br />problems would come under seepage and this is not covered under this plan. We <br />also feel that this would not occur in the future due to our Comprehensive Land <br />Use Plan and the requiring of Perc Tests. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Locher reported on the Leo Bruder case. He had been in court on Dec. 5, 1973 <br />and Mr. Bruder had been sentenced to 60 days in jail, however, he had been re- <br />leased under the Huber Law. The Judge had requested Mr. Locher to research the <br />possibility of his ordering the property cleaned up. <br />Mr. Locher had presented a 312 page memo to the Judge and he will have an answer <br />on the 12th. Mr. locher had also talked to the man to whom Mr. Bruder had sold <br />out to and he said he would cooperate in any way that he could. There had been <br />some removal of batteries, bikes and old tires. <br />227 <br />
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