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01/28/1974 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
01/28/1974 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />January 28, 1974 <br />There had been two calls in the office concerning the Open Space Hearings to be <br />held at the Capitol. The Metro Structure Sub- Committee will hold a hearing on <br />Tuesday, Jan. 29, 1974 from 4:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. in room 118 at the State <br />Capitol. Then on Thursday, Jan. 31, 1974, the Senate Sub- Committee will also <br />hold hearings in room 118 at the State Capitol. <br />LaVerne Swanson at 296 -4171 can be called if anyone desires to be on the agenda. <br />The Clerk reported that $12.50 had been received in municipal fines. <br />She had also received a letter announcing a hearing scheduled for this night on <br />state -local coordination. All members have copies. <br />The City of Columbia Heights is hosting a meeting to discuss "The Anoka County <br />Transit Study." The meeting is to be held on Wednesday Feb. 6, 1974 at the Sport- <br />sman's Club in Coon Rapids. <br />The letter from the Anoka County Commissioner, Robert Burman, setting up the <br />meeting with the Commissioners and Lino Lakes Council for the purpose of dis- <br />cussing the disputed lands in the Open Space Program was read. The date set for <br />the meeting is February 27, 1974 at 7:30 p.m. in the Board Room in the Anoka <br />County Courthouse. <br />The Clerk read a letter from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency informing the <br />Council that as of February 1, 1974, only one set of plans and specifications for <br />sewer extension is necessary. <br />There was also an inquiry from Ehlers and Associates for bonded indebtness of the <br />City for their use in preparing a prospectus for the sale of bonds for Independent <br />School District #624. The Clerk was instructed to fill out the form. <br />The Clerk read a letter from Mr. William Busch explaining the reason for the <br />deliquent taxes and assessments on Lakes Add. No. 2 & 3. This is due to the <br />uncertainty of the Open Space Program and the fact that once the condemnation <br />procedures are started, the taxes and assessments are not payable by the owner <br />but must be part of the award for the land. Mr. Marier felt that since this pro- <br />cedure could take years, the City is being penalized. If this money had been <br />paid, it would be invested and we would be collecting the interest. As it stands <br />now, we will loose money. <br />Mr. Marier moved to authorize Mr. Locher to start proceedings to use the $50,000.00 <br />CD that Mr. Jandric has on deposit in the Drovers State Bank to pay these over- <br />due assessments. <br />Also, that this CD be replaced by the same amount. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Marier mentioned that the Comprehensive Land Use Plan was approved by the full <br />Metro Council on Jan. 24, 1974. The Council emphasied the need for the continued <br />negotiations between the City and County on the disputed lands. <br />In connection with this, Mr. Marier asked if the County could start condemnation <br />on lands that they have not indicated the boundaries. He had had a call from one <br />party who said that their appraiser cannot get a boundary line from the County. <br />There was discussion on the fact that a legal discription must be given when the <br />papers for condemnation are recorded. Mr. Locher said that he could check the ones <br />in dispute. <br />
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