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02/11/1974 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
02/11/1974 Council Minutes
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12/17/2014 12:35:23 PM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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246 <br />February 11, 1974 <br />at the scene, the fire was practically out. In their judgement, it was not worth <br />the effort of running a hose to extinguish what was left. <br />Mr. LaMotte was not at home -- nor was anyone else. In regards to the remarks <br />about the firemen leaving the scene "rather disgustedly ", this is only conjecture <br />on the part of those who prepared the synopsis and any discontent of the fire- <br />men as they left the scene of the fire was not because of any disagrement at <br />the scene. <br />In as much as this property is located within Lino and Mr. LaMotte is a Lino <br />resident, any violation of Lino Ordinances should be a matter concerning Lino <br />and Mr. LaMotte and not the Centerville Fire Department. <br />Mayor Bohjanen also stated that the area mentioned is not in the burning restricted <br />area. <br />Mr. Locher mentioned that there is a Minnesota Law banning the burning of cars. <br />But to prosecute will be hard. <br />Mayor Bohjanen said the next item for discussion is do we have odd or even year <br />Elections. He felt that even year elections would save money in regards to the <br />cost of ballots and Election Judges. Also there would be a better turn out of <br />voters. Mr. Zelinka agreed. <br />Mr. McLean disagreed. He did not feel that the City would save money. <br />Mr. Marier agreed with Mr. McLean on the saving of Election cost and intrested <br />in cost we should be looking into the cost of the requisitions that we pass each <br />meeting. <br />Mr. Jaworski asked Mr. Locher what happens to the terms if we go to odd elections? <br />Mr. Locher said you would have to extend the terms under schedule four. The 1973 <br />elected would go to 1977 in odd years. And then whose terms expire in 1974 would <br />be extended to 1975. <br />Mr. McLean stated that three Councilmen and the Mayor would be up for reelection <br />at the same time. Then the Councilmen with the most votes would have the longer <br />term. <br />Schedule Four reads as follows: <br />ELECTED TERM EXPIRES <br />1973 1977 (Incumbent term extended one year from 1976) <br />1974 1975 *.(Incumbent term extended on year from 1974) <br />1975 1975* <br />1975 1975* <br />* Two receiving most votes serve four -year terms; third winner serves for <br />two years. Ordinance required in order to provide this unless 1974 legislature <br />provides for this rule at 1975 elections without need for ordinance. <br />
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