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04/08/1974 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
04/08/1974 Council Minutes
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270 <br />April 8, 1974 <br />The Clerk reported that a Federal Revenue Sharing Check in the amount of $7,188.00 <br />had been received; $70.12 for sale of tax forfeit land; $8,382.30 in back tax <br />settlement. <br />She had received a call about a security light on the corner of Birch and Hokah Dr. <br />in the Shenandoah project that Mr. Rehbein is having disconnected. The Resident <br />asked if this light could be taken over by the City and left. Mr. Jaworski moved <br />to have the City assume the cost for this street light. Seconded by Mr. McLean. <br />Motion carried. <br />Mr. Jqworski handed a letter to Mr. Bohjanen from Mr. Kronholm. Mr. Bohj anen asked <br />the Clerk to read the letter. Mr. Kronholm thanked the Mayor and Councilmen and all <br />the individuals involved with assisting at the time of the kidnapping. <br />Mr. Bohjanen suggested that at this time the problems of the roads in Shenandoah be <br />taken up. He explained that before anything can be done<in that area, the City must <br />have more information as to the status of the interceptor. At the present time, the <br />Comprehensive Plan is being tied up by the Engineer with the Metro Council. Mr. <br />Bohjanen asked Mr. Gotwald if he had any more information. <br />Mr. Gotwald said there is no change from the last month's report. The Metro Sewer <br />Board is waiting for a report from the Metro Council Enginner. He had talked with <br />the Sewer Board this day and he had been told that the report should be in some <br />time this week. <br />A lady from the audience asked what happened a year ago. This was supposed to be <br />taken care of at that time. <br />Mr. Gotwald said that the status of the Interceptor hasn't changed in the last year. <br />The mains and laterals cannot be installed in the Shenandoah Project until the <br />interceptor is installed. If not, there is a possibility of either one or the other <br />being lower or higher and this would necessitate the use of a lift station. <br />A gentleman from the audience asked what had to be done to bring the street up to <br />City standards. He said that Glenn Rehbein had promised roads last September. The <br />roads in the area are impassable. He said he was investigating the possibility of <br />legal action to force the installation of the streets in the Shenandoah project. <br />Mr. Bohjanen told the gentleman that the installation of the street surfaces depends <br />on the installation of the interceptor. <br />Mr. Gotwald repeated that Mr. Rehbein cannot complete the streets until the mains <br />and laterals are in and they cannot be installed until the interceptor is engineered <br />and the grade is set. The mains and laterals for that project have been designed and <br />have been approved by the PCA, but have not been approved by the MSB of the Metro <br />Council. <br />Someone asked about the high water table in that area. Mr. Gotwald said there is a <br />water problem only on some lots, the borings done in that area were favorable. <br />Mr. Rehbein said the problem is that the water is being trapped. The thawing during <br />the day and freezing at night is causing the problems. He cannot install a storm <br />sewer because the mains must go below the storm sewer. <br />1 <br />1 <br />
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