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04/08/1974 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
04/08/1974 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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April 8, 1974 <br />There was more discussion on the possibilities of making these streets passable <br />until there is work on the interceptor. Mr. Rehbein will do all he can. Mr. Gotwald <br />made note of the fact that it would be 6 to 8 weeks before any work could be done <br />on those streets and by the time there should be an answer from the Metro Council <br />as to the status of the interceptor. <br />A paper was passed for the people to sign. Mrs. James Kohler remarked that their <br />road is also impassable and their car must be parked out at the end and they have <br />to walk in. This is Mound Trail and is supposed to be maintained by the County. <br />Mr. Jaworski suggested to Mr. Backlin that from now on if the roads that are supposed <br />to be kept up by the County aren't then he should see that the work is done. <br />Mr. Jaworski suggested that the only way the Metro Council is going to approve the <br />interceptor is for us to present a need and force the issue. The way to show a need <br />is if pipe is already in the ground. He would like for the Council to consider <br />giving approval to Mr. Rehbein for the installation of his mains and laterals and <br />haul the sewage as is now being done in Country Lakes. <br />Mr. Marier asked for how long? Mr. Jaworski said for as long as it takes to get the <br />interceptor. Mr. Rehbein had agreed to pay for the cost of hauling. <br />Mr. Rehbein agreed with Mr. Jaworski. He would pay for his share of the cost of <br />pumping the sewage from the Shenandoah project. He felt that this is a way to put <br />pressure on the Metro Council for approval of the interceptor. Mr. Rehbein asked Mr. <br />Locher what legal rights do they have in this matter? Can the City instagate a law <br />suit? <br />Mr. Locher said that a law suit would be unwise, 1.) it would be long, 2.) it would <br />be costly; and 3.) there is no assurance of the outcome. He felt that other areas <br />are pressuring the Metro Council for the cancellation of this interceptor and there <br />is not much the City can do. <br />Mr. Maisio asked who puts culverts under roads to drain water. He has water standing <br />along the street in front of a home he built on Orange Street and felt that if there <br />was a culvert under the street the water would drain. <br />Mr. Jaworski said the City puts the culverts under the streets but the owner must <br />put their driveway culverts in. Also, water cannot be drained onto another property <br />owners land. He pointed out that this is not an accepted City Street. <br />Mr. Backlin reported that he had talked to Mr. Maisio and had advised him to lower <br />the road below the yard level, then slope it to the swamp, cover with Class 5, then <br />there would be no water problem. <br />Mr. Maisio said that the water standing in the ditches keep the roads soft - if the <br />water was drained off, the road would be dry. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to have the Clerk to contact Mr. Bud Sauter and have him start <br />the work on Orange Street immediately. Seconded by Mr. Marier. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Bohjanen presented the Fire Marshall's report. He had inspected two gas tanks <br />and written citations for violation of the Ordinance. He gave them 30 days to either <br />bury or remove. He has been inspecting business places for fire extinguishers and <br />will have a full report for the next Council meeting. There is a State Fire school <br />that Mr. Bohjanen felt the Fire Marshall should attend. Mr. McLean so moved. Seconded <br />by Mr. Jaworski. Motion carried. <br />
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