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05/09/1974 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/09/1974 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />May 9, 1974 <br />The special meeting held for the purpose of discussing the Lino Lakes - Centerville <br />Sewer Interceptor was called to order at 8:15 p.m. on May 9, 1974 by Mayor Bohjanen. <br />Councilmen present; Jaworski, McLean, Zelinka. Absent; Marier. Mr. Don Carley, Mr. <br />George Gotwald and Mr. Landol Locher were also present. <br />Mayor Bohjanen opened the meeting stating the reason for calling the special meeting. <br />Indicating the many orginazations that had been invited to participate in this <br />discussion. Mr. Carl Brandt, representing the Metro Council, Mr. Ray Payne of the <br />Metro Sewer Board, Mayor Pracher, Councilman Murray and Clerk Marcello of Centerville, <br />Glenn and Clyde Rehbein representing the Shenandoah project. Representative Lombardi <br />of the Country Lakes area and residents of the Shenandoah area. Mayor Bohjanen <br />asked for a quick runtdown at to where this project started and at what position <br />we are now. <br />Mr. Gotwald said the original study was done in 1962, up graded in 1967 and again <br />in 1969. The complete comprehensive sewer plan was done in 1971. This plan was <br />presented to the Metro Sewer Board but could not be approved since the City did <br />not have an overall Comprehensive Land Use Plan. This plan had been worked out and <br />was approved by the Metro Council in Jan. of 1974. One of the requirements was to <br />show what areas would be served. Mr. Gotwald pointed out the Country Lake Area, <br />the Shenandoah project and the Baldwin Lake Trailer Court, all would benefit <br />immediately from this interceptor. The Comprehensive Land Use map also indicated <br />the areas of extension. Everything is set to go and they are only waiting for a <br />decision from the Metro Council. <br />Mr. Locher read a letter dated Jan. 26, 1971 which rejects the on -site treatment <br />plant as proposed by Carley Engineering for the Country Lake area and states that <br />construction on the interceptor should begin 1971 and be completed in 1972. The <br />construction was started in that area on the basis of this asumption. If the <br />interceptor had been installed at the time stated, the cost would have been about <br />half of what it will cost now and the cost of construction and materials are still <br />rising. <br />Mr. Locher cited the time and cost involved in the City's hauling of sewage from <br />the Country Lake area. He mentioned the tractor and trailer that is presently <br />being used by the City for that purpose and wondered what would happen if that <br />equipment should require a major repair. <br />Mr. Jaworski asked Mr. Gotwald if he had the comparision costs that he had requested. <br />Mr. Gotwald said based on the increases in the last 3 years, the interceptor <br />would have increased in cost about one half million dollars. Three years ago the <br />Lakeview area had been estimated at costing $18.00 per foot, now the cost would be <br />about $25.00 per front foot and the cost are still rising on both labor and <br />materials. <br />Mr. Zelinka remarked that the only time and action was taken is when Saint Paul is <br />reminded that they are drinking our sewage. He would like to hear comment from the <br />Metro Council and Metro Sewer Board as to why this is. <br />Mr. Carl Burandt introduced himself and wanted to remind the Council that he does <br />not have a vote on the Metro Council. He just gathers information and presents this <br />to the Council and they make the decisions. He explained the changes in the rules <br />
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