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05/09/1974 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/09/1974 Council Minutes
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284 <br />May 9, 1974 <br />governing the monies to be had from Federal Funding and how the priorites are <br />established. The areas that pipe sewage either into a lake or river have first <br />priority. <br />Mayor Bohjanen interupted to remind Mr. Burandt that this conditions exists now. -in <br />Centerville. This should qualify Lino Lakes and Centerville for the first <br />priority for an interceptor. <br />Mr. Zelinka questioned the need for the numerous studies that have been made in <br />connection with this interceptor. He felt that with all the money spent on studies, <br />the interceptor could have been built. <br />Mr. Burandt explained why these many studies had been conducted. <br />Mr. Zelinka told Mr. Burandt that the understanding of the Council was that the <br />Metro Sewer Board is ready to move on this interceptor but that it is being held up <br />in the Metro Council. <br />Mr. Burandt explained that the Metro Council acts as our City Council and the <br />Metro Sewer Board acts as our road department. The Metro Sewer Board merely carries <br />out the wishes of the Metro Council. <br />There was some discussion on the function of the Metro Sewer Board. This unit serves <br />as a recommending board. Mr. Burandt reminded the Council that he worked for the <br />Metro Council as a Staff Member and not the Metro Sewer Board. Mr. Burandt then <br />returned to the law that governs the priority ratings. He cited a treatment plant <br />in Minnetonka that had to be built. Also the interceptor in Fridley that was a <br />must; the White Bear Lake interceptor has high priority. He also explained that <br />two million dollars had been lost in expected revenue from the S.A.C. for the <br />first year. He presented some facts and figures relating to these charges. <br />Mayor Bohjanen interupted to remind Mr. Burandt of the many studies done in <br />connection with this interceptor. The full flow gravity system; another study <br />recommending a force main with lift stations; another study suggesting that <br />Centerville be sewered through the Hugo interceptor. He felt that it was time to <br />stay away from more studies and the interceptor installed. He asked Mr. Burandt for <br />his ideas concering this suggested systems. <br />Mr. Burandt reviewed the study made by Carley Engineering. He reviewed the population <br />projection made by the Metro Council and the fact that the projected population <br />growth has decreased in the last two estimates made. <br />Mr. Zelinka asked Mr. Burandt if it wasn't so that the Metro Council could control <br />the population growth and direct it in the direction they wanted it by controlling <br />the areas that are sewered? <br />Mr. Burandt said these figures are necessary to predict what should be built and <br />how it should be sized. <br />Mr. Zelinka reminded Mr. Burandt that the Metro Council had a lot to do with the <br />changes in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The area for open space had been agreed <br />to and noted on'-the plans. He felt that the Metro Council had wanted this open <br />space, they now have it, but by removing this land from the tax rolls, there should <br />be some compensation to the City. The interceptor would let the remaining portion <br />of the City continue to grow and afford some reimbursement for the property lost <br />to Open Space. <br />
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