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04/12/1971 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
04/12/1971 Council Minutes
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4/12/71 <br />Mr. L'Allier stated that the letter was nothing more than a threat since <br />if we don't have a plan they Shall go aheed.whioh he resents. Mr. L'Allier <br />seconded the motion. Mr. Bohjanen commented that until they reassure <br />him that this is in a bill, the letter means nothing, the same as what, he <br />has been hearing at the hearings. Mr. L'Allier oommented on changes which <br />Rep. Albertson had made in the bill at the hearing. <br />Don Metier asked why the Council was playing around with the word "present" <br />There was considerable discussion Mile the tactical value of the wording <br />and what steps members of the County Board had taken in regard to these <br />bills. Mr. Jaworeki stated that he would withdrathe work "present" <br />from the motion. Mr. L'Allier seconded the amended motion. All members <br />voted Aye. <br />Mr. L'Allier stated 'Oaths had a eopy of an ordinance from Orono covering <br />Marshlands, eta., that he would like the.menbers to look over. Mr. Jaworeki <br />moved to have the Clerk make eopiee of the Orono ordinance for the Council <br />members to see if we can determine such lands in Lino Lakes to be preserved. <br />Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. L'Allier stated that he had had the Clerk write to all the Mayors and <br />the Chairmen of the Board of the municipalities in Anoka County bringing <br />their attention to the 2 bills in the Legislature concerning the Hetra <br />Park Reserve Board and asking then to oppose these for the reasons we had <br />stated in our resolution :opposing them. He had receive some calla on the <br />letters. <br />Mr. L'Allier stated that he would like to have the Clerk send a similar <br />letter to the Mayors and Board Chairmen of all municipalities of the other <br />six counties in the Metro area calling their attention to these bills.. <br />Mr. Bohjanen felt that we should add in that we hed gone on record opposing <br />this bill. Mr. Jaworeki felt that a. copy of the motion favoring abolishing <br />the Metro Council should go throughout the seven - county area. Mr. L'Allier <br />noted that we have to face up to the fact that this wont happen, some areas <br />favor the Metro Council. He felt that if we are to get support against <br />the Metro Council we have to oppose direct bills, since these may have <br />some effect in the area. After further discussion it was deoided that <br />the Clerk would send the above letter throughout the other 6 counties. <br />Mr. L'Allier noted that there would be a hearing on the companion bill <br />in Room 118 of the Senate tomorrow night at 7:30. <br />Mr. L'Allier passed out sheets containing instructions on how to contact our <br />legislators. He stated that both our Representative and Senator have said <br />that they will oppose the Metro Parks Reserve bills in their present form. <br />He asked that persons in the audience who know people living in the other <br />6 counties ask them to contact their legislators on these bills also. <br />A lady in the audience asked of the Mayor meant that no one else from other <br />counties had appeared at the hearings on the bills. W. L'Allier noted <br />that there is an inter - county governmental unit which was supposed to have <br />brought an alternative proposal, but had not; he had heard that Hennepin <br />County had banked out. There was oonsiderabli discussion. The same lady <br />asked why Mayor L'Allier had not gotten together with the other Mayors <br />in the 6 counties. More discussion. <br />Mr. L'Allier noted that Tom Strand of Springsted,. Inc., was present as well <br />as Don Carley; he asked Mr. Gotwald to lead the discussion on the <br />Jandric proposal. Mr. Gotwald reiterated the story of obtaining sewer <br />
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