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04/26/1971 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
04/26/1971 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />4/26/71 7 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council held on April 26, 1971, was <br />called to order et 8:04 P.M. by Mayor L'Allier with all members present. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to accept the minutes of the April 12th meeting as corrected. <br />Seconded by Mr'. Rosengren. Carried unanimously. <br />The Clerk reported that applications for car storage had been received from <br />Lawrence L. Byrne and Philip E. Koch, both in the Lakeview area. She stated'that <br />Mr. Gotwald had reported that as of 2:45 P.M. today he had not yet heard from Art <br />Hagen of Mattson Construction; he therefore recommended holding their check until <br />things are cleared up with Mr. Hagen. The Clerk stated that'she bad placed ads for <br />a Deputy Clerk in both the Forest Lake Times and the Circulating Pines for two weeks. <br />Mr. Gotwald had placed ads for Lakes Addition #2 sewer and watermain improvements as <br />well as for the deep well in the Times and The Construction Bulletin. The bids will <br />be opened on May 13th at 11 A.M. <br />The Clerk read the announcement of the League's 57th annual convention on June 9th, <br />10th, and 11th. She stated that she had omitted placing the following items'on the <br />agenda under old business; the community profile; NSP rate increase; and the full <br />time employee ordinance No. 43A. A schedule of new street lighting rates was <br />passed around, and the Centerville Fire Dept. report for the first quarter 1971 was <br />read. The Clerk wished the Council to consider' taking out a maintenance agreement <br />on the A.B. Dick copier since it was now paid for.: She was asked to check to see <br />whether both parts and labor were covered under an agreement. <br />W. Bohjanen moved to have the police look at the cars for which storage permits <br />were requested and to have them make a recommendation on them by the next meeting. <br />Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried unanimously. <br />W. Cardinal reported that W. West had attended the P&Z meeting on April 21 and <br />had answered questions on plastic pipe. The P&Z had recommended leaving the <br />ordinance as it now stands. There was discussion. ,JAr. Cardinal moved that the <br />plumbing ordinance remain the same until future information on samples and data from <br />the Building Trade Assn. had arrived. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski., Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Cardinal stated that Keith Apitz, who had been granted a limited commercial <br />rezoning on his property a year ago, had approached the P&Z with a request t� install <br />gas pumps. He had been sent ordinance No. 21C and 55. W. Apitz stated that he had <br />some questions on what °he would need rezoning to and on use and construction of the <br />building he wants to'put up. Mr. Locher read the uses allowed on the previous <br />rezoning amendment No. 6T; these'did not include the sale of gasoline. W. Locher <br />told Mr. Apitz "that if he,were going to use the new building for the purposes <br />stipulated in Ord. 6T, he could go right ahead and get,a building permit. Mr. Apitz <br />presented a petition for 'rezoning. Mr. Locher stated that the Council had'a choice <br />of allowing the land to go to straight commercial use or could simply add gas pumps <br />onto the uses in Ord. 6T. There was discussion. Mr. Apitz inquired about the <br />requirements of "making a fireproof building for a gas station. He was told to check <br />with the Building Inspector on the plans. <br />Following further discussion, Mr. Cardinal moved to continue with limited commercial <br />for Mr. Apitz and to set rezoning hearings before the P&Z on May 19 and before the <br />Council May 24. Seconded by Mr. L'Allier. Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Cardinal reported that Richard Zelinka had presented plans for an operation <br />known as Magic Gardens and had requested Village approval, and questioned whether <br />
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