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04/26/1971 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
04/26/1971 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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4/26/71 <br />rezoning-to commercial would be required for such an operation. Mr. L'Allier <br />noted that he had visited the plant in Phoeniz and had been impressed by the <br />procedures. Mr. Cardinal stated that the P&Z had seen no problems in allowing <br />°Mr. Zelinke to proceed; he had been given Ord. 21C to comply with. There was <br />further discussion of the operation. <br />. Cardinal noted that he didn't see anyone in the audience from the riding <br />stable so this Would be taken up later; he noted'also that Mr. Locher had <br />presented the zoning code clessifidation at the P&Z but this was on the agenda <br />under old business. <br />Mr. Jaworski reported that here had been on Park Board meeting for lack of a <br />quorum; a date for another meeting has not yet been set. The Clerk was <br />instructed °to send copies of the Orono ordinance to all P&Z and Park Board <br />members so that this can be taken up at the next Council meeting. <br />Mr. Rosengren produced a plat map showing the easements for Maple Street and <br />the location of the last house to the West on Orange Street. He'felt that the <br />blacktop should extend as far as the platted Eva Street and suggested that a <br />turnaround between Orange and Maple Streets be acquired and built for the <br />convenience of the school buses. Since the Village recently acquired Lots 8, <br />9, and 10 of Block 3 of Nordin Manor, it might be possible to acquire easements <br />adjacent to and /or immediately South of these lots in order to make a 60 foot <br />road. The Assessor was instructed to determine the owners of the pare$].s in <br />question and Mr. Locher was instructed to contact these people to see if the <br />Village could purchase right of way or perhaps trade one of our lots to acquire <br />same. <br />Mr. Rosengren showed a landscaping plan by Bever Bros. for the area near the <br />Village Hall. There was discussion on whether or'not to fill in the present' <br />pond or leave it and fence it. Mr. L'Allier stated that we should check to <br />see what it would cost t0 run'a fence around the pond; Mr. Rosengrn felt we <br />should get the cost of filling it also; he thought the costs might be pretty <br />close. Mr. L'Allier stated that he liked'the proposed'landscaping plan. <br />Mr. Rosengren stated that Mr. Gotwald had estimated that the cost of building <br />a 22 foot road way on Peltier Drive from the curve at the South end up to 77th <br />Street would be $3500 excluding the cost of tree removal. The estimated cost <br />of moving the roadway above the hill would be some $26,000. Mr. Rosengren <br />recommended repairing the present right -ef -way. After discussion, Mr. Rosengren <br />moved to repair the present right-of-way of Peltier Drive'per Mr. Gotwald's <br />estimate, and to wait for completion of Mrs. Wilhelmy's survey before beginning <br />work. 'Seconded by Mr. L'Allier. Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Bohjanen stated that there had been no C&BDC meeting, but one was scheduled <br />for May 6th. He n entioned'that'he had received a call from Rep. Plaisance this <br />evening stating that S.F. 1678 had been heard Saturday morning; it had been <br />referred to another House committee concerned with government construction; <br />possibly the bill will die in committee. He noted that so many people has <br />attended the Saturday hearing that they could not all fit in the room. <br />Mr. Bohjanen stated that newspapers in the Metro area were giving no coverage on <br />the Metro bills, that reporters did not even flash a camera, there was coverage <br />on bills concerning St. Paul and Minneapolis, but nothing on suburban affairs. <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />
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