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06/22/1971 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
06/22/1971 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
Council Meeting Type
Board of Appeal
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6/22/71 <br />The Board.,of Review Meeting held on June 22, 1971, was called to order at 8:07 <br />by Mr. Jaworski. Other members present were Messrs. Bohjanen and Cardinal. Mr. <br />Rosengren arrived late, Member absent: L'Allier. Also present was Mr. Ernest <br />Kiss from the Anoka County Assessors Office. <br />Mr. Jaworski stated that the purpose of the meeting was to review assessments of <br />1971 to be paid,in 1972. <br />The question was asked where most of the tax money goes. Mr. Jaworski said that <br />the school district gets most of the money. <br />Mr. Don Marier asked how it is broken down between the County and the Village. <br />Mrs. Sarner, Assessor, said that 75% went to the schools and the remaining 25% <br />was divided up between the County, Village, Forest Lake hospital, Misquito <br />Control, and Metro Council. <br />Mr, Don Marier said that we sometimes loose track of the dollar value, Mr. Kiss <br />stated that one mill was equivalent to 1 /10 of a cent. <br />35 <br />It was mentioned that Lino Lakes has three different school districts in it. The <br />School Board figures out how many mills they have to assessato bring in enough money. <br />Mrs. Mary Gould asked about what will happen when the area increases and Lino Lakes <br />has to have bigger schools. Mr. Jaworski told her that the School Board builds <br />the schools not the Village; that it does not go according to the Village lines, <br />but according to School Districts. <br />Mr. Bohjanen said that we might be heading for one school district in the future and <br />that the taxes would be even bigger. <br />The question was asked on how they arrive at taxes on a home when some in the same <br />village may have gone up and some others have the same value. Mr, Kiss stated <br />that it is assessed by the square foot. He also said that the assessor does not <br />have to go through every year. <br />One man asked about his 38% increase in taxes when he had made no improvements. <br />He was told that part of it was from the increase in school. <br />Mr. Kiss stated that they have records of all the homes on their Field Books. <br />It was mentioned that if homes were assessed properly, they should go up <br />proportionately. Mr, Kiss said that the people could file with the county for <br />a Request for Review. <br />The question was asked about how the valuation got raised up. Mr..Kiss,stated <br />that the valuation was raised in the even numbered years. In 1968 both old and <br />new homes were raised and in 1970 property was increased, This was done by the <br />Anoka County Assessors office. <br />Mr. PeteANadeau asked if the county overrules the village assessor.. Mr. Kiss <br />stated that each house if valued for what is there; tax's are based on market <br />value, Value increased and mill rate increased in 1971. Different rates are gotten <br />by the rate persquare foot and by what is in it. He also said that you can put <br />on or renew anything that was existing without raising the taxes. <br />Mr, Cardinal also mentioned that identical homes could have different valuation <br />by their location. <br />Mr. Jaworski said if one home is valued at $15,000 and one at $20,000 and the mill <br />
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