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06/22/1971 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
06/22/1971 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
Council Meeting Type
Board of Appeal
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36 <br />6/22/71 <br />rate increases the same all over, one should not be 38% and one 17% higher. Mr. <br />Kiss.stated that if they think there is a mistake, they should have it reviewed. <br />Mr. Bohjanen said there is no reason or say to compare one house to another. Mr. <br />Kiss said that to know, they would have to see the individual and see what is <br />there and arrive at a tax value. Mr. Cardinal mentioned that since we have <br />three different School Districts we then have three different values. <br />Mr. Don Marier asked if,they,could see the Field Cards. Mr. Kiss said that they <br />were not public records, but individual records. He said if they knew their legal <br />description, they could see the assessment books as these are public. <br />Mr. Kiss stated that the market value is not always the selling price. The <br />market value is what it costs to build the house today. <br />The question was asked why one persons taxes should go up and anothers didn't. <br />Mr. Kiss stated that improvements would make it go up. <br />Mr, Cardinal said that they start with the square feet and what it would cost to <br />build it,today and then depreciate for age of the house and this is how they arrive <br />at the value of the home. He also said that land is included with the house. <br />Mr. Kiss was asked what determined an agricultural home. He said that ten or more <br />acres tillable plus $10 per tillable acre and that the state sets the acre <br />rate on the land. <br />There was some discussion on whether or not the assessor was appointed or elected, <br />Mr. Cardinal and Mr. Bohjanen both felt that the assessor is appointed not elected. <br />Mr. Kiss stated that the amount per square foot has increased from $12.27 per square <br />foot in 1968 -69 to $14.76 per square foot in 1970 -71. <br />Mr. Jaworski asked if the citizens are more in an uproar this year than in other <br />years, Mr. Kiss said he didn't think so. Mr. Jaworski also said that he didn't <br />believe the people were demanding more of the government. <br />Mr, Bohjanen asked how much it would cost to have the whole village reassessed. <br />Mr. Kiss said he thought about $4,000. Both Mr, Cardinal and Mr. Bohjanen agreed <br />that unless you change the formula it would be the same. <br />Mr. Kiss stated that there is a formula for anything under ten acres. He also <br />said that the only way the assessor knows that there has been something added <br />is by a building permit that is issued. He also said that the assessor may be <br />out every even numbered year to see the house, but that there is no law stating <br />they have to. Mr..Bohjanen said that any additions need a building permit. <br />Mr. Cardinal said that the assessor gets a copy and she is then aware of it. <br />The question was asked about the view for 1972 as far as the percent of increase <br />of taxes in the Village rate and the County rate. Mr. Jaworski said it was too early <br />to predict. .Mrs.4Bohjanen asked if they can raise the valuation again. Mr. <br />Jaworski said not this year,`but in 1972 they could again. Mr. Kiss said it depends <br />on whether the legislature changes the tax system. <br />Mr. Jaworski asked whether the County had set their budget yet. Mr, Kiss had no idea. <br />The question was asked if there was a limit on how much the school can increase <br />mills. Mr. Jaworski thought it was 300. Mr. Bohjanen and Mr. Cardinal didn't <br />
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