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06/28/1971 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
06/28/1971 Council Minutes
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wanted to add that Mr. Apitz should conform with the P&Z recommendation on <br />parking of vehicles. Mr. Apitz noted. that he had removed two of the extra cars <br />and that two more would go tomorrow. Mr.,Rosengren wanted the motion to include <br />that Mr. Peitz must install a septic tank, and everything for a sewer system. Mr. <br />Apitz stated that he could least a 10 foot strip for 99 years, but Mr, Locher <br />recommended that he get a deed to the property and a variance also; this strip <br />could lay for a buffer zone and would not require rezoning to commercial. The <br />vote on the motion as amended above was unanimously in favor. <br />The Attorney was instructed to proceed with the publication of the ordinance <br />above; the Clerk is to notify the Building Inspector of the changes to be made; <br />Mr. Apitz must bring in proof of conformance to the recommendations for the <br />building permit; the Clerk is to write Mr. Apitz on the changes to be, made, and to <br />include copies of the recommending letters. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to adjourn the Apitz hearing at 8 :54 P.M. Seconded by Mr. <br />Bohjanen. Carried unanimously. The regular meeting was reopened. <br />Mr. Cardinal reported that the P&Z had tabled the hearing on the proposed District <br />Zoning Code for another month. Mor. Cardinal moved to continue the hearing on the <br />Zoning District Code until the fourth Monday in July at 8:30 P.M. Seconded by Mr, <br />Jaworski. Carried unanimously. <br />Mr, Cardinal stated that a question had been raised at the P&Z meeting on a <br />helicopter practicing landings. Mr. Myhre stated that he had received one complaint <br />two months ago. The P&Z would like the Council to check on Federal regulations <br />regarding helicopters. Mr. Bohjanen noted that Dick Olson flies in and out at <br />Surfside for spraying, but does no practicing. Mr. Myhre will check with Dick Olson, <br />Mr. Cardinal stated that three freeway sign permit applications had been received <br />from Ray Pfeiffer of Naegele Outdoor Advertising for the Anna Schmidt property on <br />both side of I35E, The signs meet the specifications; the fees are paid. The <br />signs are double — faced. Mr. L'Allier noted that some signs have very high <br />candlepower, such as the Standard signs. Mr, Pfeiffer stated that their lighting <br />is geared to just show on the copy for readability at about 600 feet distance. <br />Their lights do not reflect. Mr. L'Allier stated that he would like to place on <br />the next agenda the setting of a maximum candlepower limit for signs. Mr. Cardinal, <br />noted that copies of a five year lease were attached. Mr. L'Allier asked if the <br />leases do not have a cancellation clause. The leases do state that no tobacco <br />or liquor will be advertised. Mr. Cardinal reminded Mr. Pfeiffer that the permits <br />were for one year only; also, that the P&Z had recommended granting the sign permits. <br />Mr, Cardinal moved to grant sign permits #82, 83, and 84 to Naegele Outdoor <br />Advertising Co. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski, carried unanimously. <br />Mayor L'Allier closed the regular meeting at 9:05 and opened the hearing for the, <br />special use permit application by Midwest Radio & Television, Inc. for a 1200 <br />foot antenna. Mr, Locher read the mailing affidavit; however the posting <br />affidavit was not in hand. The recommending letter from the Engineer was read, and <br />a note from the Building Inspector. Mr. Cardinal stated that the P&Z had recommended <br />approval of the Special Use Permit, and that the zoning be left as it is. Also, <br />that adequate plans must be presented before construction. Fred Memmer, attorney <br />for the applicants, presented Mr. Sherman, consulting engineer, and noted that it <br />had been had been verified that it was illegal to submit building plans prior to <br />Federal authorization on the location. He noted that they are anxious to get the <br />plans underway, and would come back and work with us after ok by the FCC. Mr. Memmer <br />noted an error in the P&Z minutes, namely that the wording should read "plans ", not <br />"construction ". He stated that the FCC makes notice of study and hearings for the <br />project before the FAA. <br />
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