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07/12/1971 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
07/12/1971 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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7/12/71 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council held on July 12, 1971, as <br />called to order by Mayor L'Allier at 8:01 P.M. with all members present. Mr. <br />Gotwald was present; Mr. Locher arrived a few minutes later. <br />The following corrections were made to the minutes of June 28th: Page 4, para- <br />graph 4, line 2, change sentence to read; "Mr. L'Allier noted that a good portion <br />of low land is involved. "; page 6, paragraph 3, line 2, last word, change "sand" <br />to "oil "; page 7, paragraph 6 (no. 2), line 12, change phrase to read "policeman <br />if feasible.". <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to accept the minutes of the June 28th meeting as corrected. <br />Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Carried unanimously. <br />The Clerk had received a booklet and:phamplet on the 1971 State Building Code. <br />She reported,that.$41,321.40 had been received,on the June settlement aryl that <br />the claim to the State regarding the Youth Center in the amount of $782.82 had <br />been paid. <br />Notice had been received from the Metro Sewer Board on a meeting to be held on <br />July 15th at 9 A.M. at the Fridley City Hall, at which time the cost allocation <br />methods being considered for 1972 and proposed sewer charges will be explained. <br />Mr. L'Allier and Mr. Bohjanen both stated that they planned to attend; Mr. <br />Gotwald was asked to attend also. <br />The Clerk reported that letters from the Village of Circle Pines and from North <br />Central Public Service regarding gas service for Molin Concrete had just been <br />received today. Mr. L'Allier felt that the matter should be tabled since the <br />information had been received at the last minutes and the Council had no time to <br />study the information and make an intelligent decision; also, nothing had been <br />received from Molin. After discussion, Mr. Jaworski moved to table the matter, . <br />and to have the Clerk write Molin officials asking them for a written reply to <br />her letter dated June 29th, and that is such reply is received in time that the <br />matter be placed on the next agenda. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. <br />Mr. Ross, Industrial Engineer for North Central, asked that Molin be sent copies <br />of their letter since it included an offer for firm gas (natural and propane at <br />natural prices). The motion was amended to include sending Molin Concrete copies <br />of the correspondence just received from both Circle Pines and North Central. <br />The vote on the motion was unanimously in favor. <br />Mr. Cardinal had no report. Mr. Jaworski reported that a Mr. Reinertson had re- <br />quested a beer permit for a softball tournament to be held at Sunrise Park on <br />July 31 and August 1st. He will furnish insurance and collateral in case of the <br />park not being cleaned up. Mr. Jaworski moved to grant Mr. Reinertson a beer <br />permit as requested at such time that he furnished proof of insurance and <br />collateral. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried. unanimously. <br />Jr. Jaworski reported that the Park Board would meet on July 15th instead of the <br />Monday scheduled. Mr. Jaworski stated that the Council had talked about building <br />a baseball diamond at the Hall, but had found that it was not feasible to build <br />2 diamonds. The Park Board had suggested that 2 baseball diamonds at the south <br />end of Sunrise Park near Rustic Lane. He had found that it would cost some $550, <br />if the Village hauled in the dirt and had the Columbus grader level if off. <br />Mr. Jaworski had contacted a private contractor who would do both diamonds for <br />$450. These costs did not include the backstops; he had no prices on those yet. <br />After discussion Mr. Jaworski moved to put in 2 baseball diamonds at Sunrise <br />Park at a cost of $450 without the backstops. Seconded by M. Cardinal. Carried <br />unanimously. <br />
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