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07/12/1971 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
07/12/1971 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />47 <br />7/12/71 <br />Mr. Rosengren noted the letter received from Commissioner Burman regarding the <br />turnback of County Road #54 to Lino Lakes, specifically the portion on the East <br />County Line. After discussion, Mr. Cardinal moved to table the matter for the <br />present and to authorize Mr. L'Allier and Mr. Rosengren to attend the next <br />County Road Board meeting to discuss the matter. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. <br />Carried unanimously. There was further discussion. <br />Mr. Rosengren asked the Council's wished on mowing the grass and weeds along the <br />roads. He stated that there was a possibility of renting a 5' sickle bar for <br />the Cub tractor and doing,it ourselves rather than contract the work. After <br />discussion,'Mr. Rosengren moved to mow the grass along the roads with our own <br />equipment. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Carried Unanimously. <br />Mr. Rosengren asked about cutting the hay here at the Hall. Mr. Bohjanen moved <br />to authorize Mr. Rosengren to find someone to cut the hay at the Hall. Seconded <br />by Mr. Cardinal. Carried unanimously.. <br />Mr. Rosengren reported that the blacktop work on 7th Avenue was finished. They <br />had not been able to complete the blaektopping on West Rondeau due to the rain. <br />Some repair work had been finished; the parking lot had been oiled but not yet <br />sealed. He asked about work on the pond at the Hall. After considerable dis- <br />cussion, Mr. L'Allier moved to authorize W. Rosengren to request bids on land- <br />scaping the pond and surrounding area and also to request bids on placing sod <br />around the flagpole area (possibly this work will be donated). Seconded by <br />Mr. Cardinal. Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Rosengren stated that the turnapul was digging out the soft spots on 80th St. <br />and hauling the material to fill along the East County Line. Mr. Rosengren asked <br />about the possibility of grading and gravelling the portion of Pine St, from the <br />Old Montaigne farm West to the Robinson home. He stated that Columbus was willing <br />to do the work if we would split the cost. The plat map was viewed, showing <br />the assessments for Pine St. extend about 150 feet West of the center line of <br />Section 6. <br />Mr. Gotwald suggested that the Village put sulfite dust control on the East <br />County Line, on Pine St. and on 80th. He mentioned that we could save about <br />5¢ per foot by doing it ourselves, but if we were in a hurry it would be better <br />to have Macklin do the work. After discussion, Mr. Jaworski moved to have sulfite <br />sprayed on our portion of Pine Street, on 80th Street and on the East County <br />Line, with Mr. Gotwald to recommend who should do the, work, at an estimated <br />cost of $4000 based on an approximate cost of $1000 per mile. Also, Columbus <br />will be contacted to see if they are interested in doing their part of St. <br />at the same time. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. <br />Mr. Locher stated that the Village would need easements to go further on Pine <br />St. to the Robinson home, or else start 6 years of maintenance for a cartway. <br />Mr. L'Allier wondered about the legality of spending Village funds on road <br />which are not record when already have roads on record which need work. Mr. <br />Locher recommended getting the easements. Mr. L'Allier asked how we could <br />justify the cost; Mr. Locher stated that we can't legally. <br />Mr. Backlin stated that as long as he can remember Columbus has been maintaining <br />the road into Robinson's house. Mr. L'Allier mentioned that it might be Columbus <br />road then. Mr. Backlin stated that although the road easement is split between <br />the two municipalities along its length, the maintenance arrangement has been <br />that we take care of Pine St. from Hwy 8 to 1 block East of 4th Avenue (Co.Rd. <br />23) and Columbus does the remainder. Mr. L'Allier didn't feel that we should <br />
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