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07/16/1971 Council Minutes
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City Council Meeting Minutes
07/16/1971 Council Minutes
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7/12/71 <br />the pond which serves as a skating rink4 He felt that we should cheek on other possible <br />locations before making the request from NSP. <br />Mr. Bohjanen asked if the, Clerk had gotten a letter from the, owner of the old Hansen <br />pit. She stated that she had not. He stated that he had the name and address of the <br />owner and his son, by name of Joe and Tom Waehrle. The Clerk stated that such a <br />person had called, but had not said that he owned the pit, but lived, next to it. <br />Mr. Locher stated that he would have the State Sanitarian write the owners. There <br />was discussion. <br />Mr. Rosengren thought a letter should be sent to Jake Kaufhold who had planted flowers <br />around the flaypole and kept them up. The Clerk will write a thank you letter to be <br />signed by all Council members at the next meeting. <br />The Clerk mentioned that the recently -hired Deputy Clerk, Shelley Brisson, planned <br />to quit as soon as she got a full -time job; therefore, the Clerk had asked Mrs. Elsie <br />Linnell, who had made application, to come in and be trained for the position. <br />Mr. L'Allier asked the Clerk to write Mr. John M. Kirkvold of the State Forest Service <br />in Cambridge, to request certification for R. V. Ellingsen as a State Fire Warden to <br />replace Roy Houle; carbon copies to be sent to Mr. Ellinsen and the Mayor. <br />A question was raised on the burning ban. Mr. L'Allier noted that we had asked PCA <br />for a postponement of its adoption and had no reply. He asked the Clerk to call the <br />PCA to see what they plan to do on our request. The Clerk was also asked to make copies <br />of the burning ordinances and give to the members to hand out. <br />Mr, Myhre asked if Mr. Locher had heard anything on the color of the police uniforms. <br />Mr. Locher stated that he had checked with Sheriff Talbot and with the Ass't. <br />County Attorney and couldn't find anything in the Statutes on it. Bob Johnson, Jr.,, <br />will do some further checking, however. <br />The Clerk was asked to check the records on the Caron hayroad for the next meeting. , <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved to pay the bills as audited. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried <br />unanimously. The Clerk was instructed to void the 3 checks written on June 28th for <br />police clothing allowances. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to adjourn at 9:33 P.M. Seconded b Mr. Rosengren. Aye., <br />cez%7 <br />Minutes approved at the meeting of July 26, 1971 <br />Clerk Treasurer <br />7/16/71 <br />The special meeting of the Village Council of Lino Lakes was called to order at <br />8 :46 P.M. by Mayor L'Allier. Other members present were Messrs. Cardinal, Jaworski, <br />and Rosengren. Also present were Attorney Locher, Mr. Gotwald, and Mr. Sprinsted, Fiscal <br />Agent. Mr. Bohjanen was absent due to a death in the family. <br />Mr. L'Allier stated that the special meeting was called to consider the process of <br />assessments of water and sewer to be installed within the Chomonix project. Mr. Gotwald <br />said that we have to determine the method of assessment. Also that bids have been taken <br />on the well and pump. He stated that normally it would have taken 30 days but due to <br />Metro Council problems they decided to go a 60 day period. The interceptor that was <br />
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