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07/16/1971 Council Minutes
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City Council Meeting Minutes
07/16/1971 Council Minutes
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7/16/71 <br />Mr. Gotwald said that the Metro Sewer Board will receive a letter from Centerville <br />this week. <br />In talking about the 5 year bonds -- MIr. Jandric said it is the same thing as <br />borrowing money from a bank, and that they have never gone full term on these <br />things. Mr. L'Allier asked Mr. Springsted if he suggested that if we are going <br />to take six or seven years to complete the project that a six or seven year assess- <br />ment might be acceptable. Mr. Springsted said yes, that if you borrow money on a <br />ten year basis, you are committed to deed service on that period'; if assessments <br />are paid in half that time your interest continues on. <br />Mr. Bush said that they can't hit full pace the opening year. The first year will <br />be the slowest and the last year will be the highest in selling. He stated that <br />they would like the Council to consider a little longer peiod than five years. They <br />ask for ten years, or eight or nine if ten is too long. He said that they were <br />willing to meet on any common grounds. Mr. Bush also said that they hoped they would <br />set it up on an annual guarantee of a certain number of dollard paid; rather than have <br />one for one on assessment payoffs. Mr. Jandric asked if there was a possibility of making <br />the bond smaller without jeapordizing anything. <br />Mr. L'Allier called a recess at 9:51 P.M. <br />The meeting was resumed at 10:20 P.M. Mr. Jaworski moved that the length of time that <br />would be reasonable would be a period of seven years; regard the payment of assessments <br />prior to issueing of building permits and or sale of any land or lot regardless of size <br />assessment on given lot; that additionally we require $50,000 deposit in any bank of their <br />choosing; we receive a letter of guarantee in what ever is acceptable to the Council; <br />$50,000 be replenished bythe use of CDs. so that there would be $50,000 in, deposit <br />by way of CDs; since it is latein the year and not received official ok from the <br />Metro Council, to postpone certification till 72 -73; sett-the date, barring any unfor <br />seen circumstances on August 10, 8 :30 P.M. for the improvement hearing. <br />Mr. Springsted mentioned that we couldn't give the contract until we have had the <br />hearing. <br />Mr. Jandric asked if they have to be at the meeting. W. Locher said there may be <br />someone there who wants to object. Mr. L'Allier said they were not required to be here. <br />Mr. Gotwald said there was one other problem. They are talking about front foot basis <br />and so much per apartment or unit. <br />Motion seconded by Mr. Rosengren. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. L'Allier said the question had been raised as to whether the drilling of the well <br />can proceed prior to the hearing date or assessments. Mr. Locher said that they can <br />proceed prior to beginning the project. Require a letter from Mr. Keyes saying he <br />understands the bonds have not been sold; that the Village can not guarantee payment. <br />Mr. L'Allier said we have to wait to award bids till the hearing. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to adjourn at 10 :45 P.M. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Motion carried. <br />Minutes approved at the meeting of, July 26, 1971 Shelley Brisson <br />Deputy - Clerk <br />1 <br />
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