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08/23/1971 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
08/23/1971 Council Minutes
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8/23/71 <br />The Clerk stated that her office was running short of storage room in the <br />filing cabinests and requested purchase of an additional literal file.Mr. <br />L'Allier noted that the cost was approximately $190.00. Mr. Rosengren moved <br />that we purchase an additional Tab file cabinet. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. <br />Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Cardinal reported that the P&Z had held a short meeting. with, no business <br />being done. He menticadrthst comments had been made concerning the play - <br />ground in LaMotte's Second Addition, namely that it should be leveled off and <br />seeded down so that the children could play on it. <br />Cecil LaMotte stated that he had had LaValle do some work in the area, costing <br />$3 -400 on the playground and $1000 total. He noted that the road had been <br />patched and the boulevard work done, and,wondered if the Engineer had report- <br />ed on this yet as he would like the $500 released at the bank. He was told <br />that Mr. Gotwald had not yet reported on this. <br />Mr. LaMotte asked about the Village digging the ditch when approval is re- <br />ceived from the St. Paul Water Dept. He was told that we had received <br />correspondence from them dated August 9th, asking for signatures on a rider <br />to the agreement. Mr. LaMotte stated that he had talked with Roy Backlin'and. <br />others on the culvert; which the Water Dept. wants installed so that they can <br />cross the ditch; he requested the Village to install the culvert since we <br />have the equipment. Mr. L'Allier stated that Mr. Gotwald and Mr. Rosengren <br />will meet with Mr. .LaMotte and look at the area. The $500 bond can be releas- <br />ed after Mr. Gotwald's okay. <br />Mr. L'Allier asked Mr. LaMotte about Mr. Cardinal's remark on grading and <br />seeding the play area. Mr. LaMotte stated that he would have it disced, but <br />asked the Village to pay for the seed. Mr. L'Allier thought that the ordinance <br />made Mr. LaMotte responsible for this. Mr. Gotwald will contact him. <br />Mr. Jaworski had no report. <br />Mr. Rosengren reported that they had finished gravelling the County Line and <br />80th Street; the grass along the roads had been cut; they would start Rolling <br />Hills Drive tomorrow; there was a small spot to be repaired on Bald Eagle Blvd. <br />Mr. Rosengren asked about the uncut lots in the Village. After discussion, <br />W. Cardinal moved to authorize the Clerk to put a notice'in the paper that <br />weeds must be cut. Seconded by Mr. Rosengren. Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Rosengren stated that they had started the pond, but now must wait for <br />the rain to clear. He had not met with the County yet. Mr. L'Allier stated <br />that he had reminded the County Administrator of the matter at another meeting. <br />Mr. L'Allier'asked Mr. Rosengren if he had gotten any bids yet on a bulk tank <br />for gas. Mr. Rosengren stated that he had not, but had found that the County <br />prices on gas can be obtained through Wally Houle in Forest Lake, whom he will <br />talk to. He stated that it would be quite a savings. <br />Mr. Rosengren had obtained a bid on dust coating from Macklin: the total for <br />8000 gallons of liquid sulfite sprayed on some 3.4 miles of road would be <br />$3024.00. This price is the same as previous years - -29¢ per gallon and 7fi <br />per foot. Mr. L'Allier noted that this would be for roads previously desig <br />noted to receive dust coating. Mr. Rosengren stated that we would wait for the <br />Road Fund balance ending August 31st to see what funds remained. Mr. Rosengren <br />moved to purchase the sulfite from Macklin when we get the August balances if <br />the money is there. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried unanimously. <br />
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