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10/01/1971 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
10/01/1971 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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100 <br />10/1/71 <br />fees. Mr. Hill felt that we would receive additional funds for the past years' <br />sales taxes, but the figure was not changed. Gopher bounties were discussed. <br />The Parks Fund was discussed. Mr. Jaworski thought that the Fund should bear <br />part of the cost of the fulltime man since he will spend some time on Parks. Mr. <br />Bohjanen didn't feel that the full time man should work in the parks, only part <br />time help. Mr. L'Allier stated that it bad been suggested that we may have to <br />hire 2 fulltime men; there was no reason why 1 of them could't work in the <br />parks when road work was slack; such work should be charged to the Parks Fund. <br />Mr. Rosengren noted that if we use some of the 30 acres for part activities, <br />this would add to the Parks salaries. 4000 was allotted for Parks salaries <br />with the total Parks budget set at `19201. <br />Mr. Rosengren felt that the Roads budget was adequate except for salaries. The <br />Clerk noted that all of the PERA and Social Security contributions were paid <br />out of the General Fund; this was questioned. Mr. Hill stated that this sim- <br />plified bookkeeping - -it would entail more expense to segregate this into funds. <br />The Roads salaries allotment was increased to ¢20,000 to preclude the possibil- <br />ity of hiring 2 fulltime men. Mkr, Cardinal felt that the installation of the <br />gas tank and pump would help keep the total Roads costs down. The total Roads <br />budget was set at $71,900. <br />Mr. L'Allier noted that the Civil Defense had made plans to buy more safety <br />equipment, but he would ask them to hold purchases down. The total CD budget <br />was set at $3,300. <br />The Fire Protection Fund was discussed. Mr. Jaworski disagreed with the propo- <br />sed assessed valuation figure which the Village of Lexington had used to com- <br />pute in 1972 Fire Contract cost, stating that the figure was too high. After <br />discussion the total Fire Fund was set at %$310 which would allow for increases <br />in both fire contracts. <br />Debt Redemption Fund No. 1 to pay bonds and interest on the Municipal Building <br />was set at $12,000, which was the figure suuo1i3d by aprinasted, Inc. <br />A second debt redemption fund to accomodate the Metro Sewer Board assessment <br />for 1972 was discussed at length. Mr. L'Allier noted that we had a total cost <br />allocation of 5180,000 of which $160,000 was for capacity, and that approximately <br />`50,000 was to be paid next year with the balance to be paid in succeeding <br />years. He felt we should budget for the $50,000 as had been recommended by our <br />Fiscal Agent. On request, the Clerk stated that she had received a phone call <br />from Mr. Milton Honsey, Chairman of the Metro Sewer Board, on September 30th, <br />in which Mr. Honsey had stated that the Metro Sewer Board had budgeted for the <br />interceptor to be built in 1972 and that they definitely would put in the inter- <br />ceptor in 1972 and that it would be hooked up the later part of the year. <br />Mr. L'Allier stated that we must pay for the reserve capacity even if there are <br />no hookups and whether or not we go ahead with the Jandric project; if there is <br />no hookup then the entire $50,000 assessment will have to go on the tax rolls. <br />Don Marier stated that Mr. Honsey had said that if we don't hookup we don't <br />have to pay for reserve capacity; this had been stated at a NSSSB meeting; with <br />no hookup we don't pay any money at all. This was discussed as was current <br />house construction in the Jandric project. Mr. L'Allier stated that Mr. Jan - <br />dric had agreed at a previous meeting, to put in enough money to make two year's <br />payments if there are not enough assessments to defray the cost. This amount, <br />which had been set at $50,000 would be used to pay the two year's payments if <br />the assessment money was not there, and if we use money out of this $50,000 then <br />Jandric will reimburse the amount used by the end of each year in order to keep <br />the full $50,000 amount on hand. <br />
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