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10/12/1971 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
10/12/1971 Council Minutes
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103 <br />10/1/71 <br />assessment. It was decided that the budget would have to be reduced by $10,000 <br />elsewhere in order to budget for $10,000 for the sewer assessment and keep the <br />mill rate close to that of 1971. Many figures were cut, mostly in the General <br />Fund. Building inspection was discussed. Mr. L'Allier felt it would be better <br />to handle building permits out of the office; possibly we could hire someone <br />to do the inspections on an hourly basis later. After more discussion, the <br />figure of $10,000 was levied in Debt Redemption Fund No. 2. Mr. L'Allier <br />stated that he didn't feel we would be acting in the best interest of the <br />Village if we did not budget at least this much. <br />Final budget figures to be Ivied were: General Fund: $15,817; Fire Protection <br />$8,310; Civil Defense: $3,300; Parks: $9,201; Roads: $61,900; Debt No. 1: <br />$12,000; Debt No. 2: $10,000; Total: $120,528. Based on the estimated assessed <br />valuation of $1,800,000 the mill rate would be 65.5 mills. <br />Mr. Rosengren moved to adopt the budget as reviewed and revised at this meeting. <br />Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Vote: Aye - -Mr. Jaworski, Mr. Cardinal, Mr. Rosengren <br />and Mr. L'Allier; No--Mr. Bohjanen. Motion carried. <br />Mrs. Gould asked about the cost of the blacktop in the Jandric project. Mr. <br />Rosengren stated that Jandric paid for this, that we had retopped 7th Avenue <br />only. Jandric's roads would not be accepted until they were brought up to <br />specs including blacktop. Mr. L'Allier noted that Jandric had posted a bond <br />for the streets including curb and gutter. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to adjourn at 11 :35 P.M. Seconded <br />. Bohjanen. Aye. <br />Minutes approved at the meeting of October 26, 1971_ <br />Clerk- Treasurer <br />10/12/71 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council held on October 12, 1971, <br />was called to order at 8 :03 P.M, by Mayor L'Allier with all members present. <br />Mayor L'Allier noted that both the Attorney and Mr. Rosengren had to leave <br />early so he would try to move the meeting along. <br />Mr. Locher read the recommended resolution authorizing the $550,000 bond sale. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to approve the minutes of the regular September 27th <br />Council meeting as corrected. Seconded by M'. Cardinal. Carried unanimously. <br />The Clerk reported receipt of the following items: Affidavits of publication <br />from the Forest Lake Times on the Notice of Bond Sale for the Jandric im- <br />provements. 2. The State report on PERA accounts for fiscal year 1970 -71, <br />showing Lino Lakes to be completely paid in full; 3. The new comprehensive <br />insurance policy (exclusive of the auto coverage) with a coinsurance endorse- <br />ment needing the signature of an agent for the Village. 4. Two notices of <br />hearings on the Oneka -Hugo merger. 5. Lists of persons wishing to serve as <br />election judges from both political parties; the Clerk asked the Council to <br />designate the chief, judge. <br />The Clerk asked if the Council wished to set the date for the special meeting <br />to canvass the ballots of the November 2nd election. She noted that her <br />previous report on sewer and building permit handling from 4 other municipali- <br />ties had been sent to all Council members and asked if the Council wished to <br />make •a decision on this. <br />Lr. Cardinal moved that the coinsurance endorsement be signed. Seconded by <br />Mr. Rosengren. Carried unanimously. <br />
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