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10/12/1971 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
10/12/1971 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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104 <br />10/12/71 <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to set a special meeting on November 3rd at 8 P.M. to <br />canvass the November 2nd election ballots. Seconded by M,r. Bohjanen. Carried <br />unanimously. <br />The lists of proposed election judges were passed around, then read. lair. <br />Jaworski moved to approve the lists of judges from both parties, as follows: <br />DFL: Joyce Dufresne, Agnes LeTendre and Signe Miller with alternates <br />Ursuline Lichtscheidl and Erma Grygelko; GOP: Jean Krube, Dorothea Schmidt <br />and Sylvia Brisson with alternates Phyllis Blaylock, Mary Gould and Hannah <br />Ellingsen; also, to approve the same chief judge as last year; the Clerk <br />noted that last year's chief judge was on the alternate list. Mr. L'Allier <br />suggested Joyce Dufresne as chief judge. Seconded by Mr. Bohjanen. Carried <br />unanimously. <br />Mr. Cardinal reported that he had received a complaint that a pig operation <br />on Holly Drive was causing an odor problem; he had gone to see the place. <br />The owner had done a lot of cleaning up and the County Health Dept. had in- <br />spected the place but given no final report yet. Mr. Cardinal recommended <br />that we pass on this matter until we receive the County's report. Mr. <br />L'Allier agreed and noted that this was not on the agenda; that when we get <br />the report we can invite the parties to a meeting and iron out the problems. <br />Mr. Rosengren moved to table the matter. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried <br />unanimously. <br />Mr. Cardinal noted that concerning the matter of sewer and bldg. permits, the <br />P&Z had not met since the Clerk's report; this would be on the next agenda. <br />Mr. Locher reported that he had the policing contract with Centerville ready. <br />Mr. L'Allier asked the Clerk to make copies of the contract for the Council <br />to discuss at our next meeting and to send a copy to Mayor Rivard; Mr. L'Allier <br />will visit with him to see if it is acceptable. <br />Mr. Locher read the 'save harmless' agreement between the Village and Marvin <br />Rehbein which he had drafted for the interim period between starting work <br />and the bond sale on the lateral project. Mr. L'Allier noted that this had <br />been authorized at the last meeting. Mr. Locher stated that he had called <br />both Mr. Rehbein and Mr. Waalen; Mr. Rehbein is in a hurry to start immedia- <br />tely, otherwise he will have to move his rigs. Mr. 'Maslen will contact the <br />Clerk to take the agreement to Mr. Rehbein for his signature. Mr. Jaworski <br />moved to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign the agreement. Seconded by <br />Mr. Rosengren. Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Jaworski had no report. Mr. Rosengren reported that they had completed <br />the drainage projects in the Lakeview area and the park; he thinks the work <br />will take care of the problems. He reported that Mr. Schifsky had started <br />the work on Rolling Hills Drive and should be completed shortly. <br />Mr. Bohjanen had a question on roads, particularly about a hole at Main & 4th, <br />and if Mr. Rosengren had contacted the County on this and the holes in Twilight <br />Acres by the County roads. Mr. Rosengren stated that he had contacted the <br />County men and told them about all the similar problem areas. The Clerk was <br />asked to get a list of all these spots from Roy Backlin and to send a follow -up <br />letter to the County Highway Dept. <br />Mr. L'Allier had no report. Mr. Gotwald stated that he had no special report, <br />but noted that there was a house under construction on 4th Avenue which is in <br />a natural drainage path. The house is being built on a small knoll, but Mr. <br />Gotwald felt we should police the matter in case the man fills the yard up to <br />the ditch as this will cause a problem clear up to Main Street. Mr. Jaworski <br />
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