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10/26/1971 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
10/26/1971 Council Minutes
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r 109 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />10/26/71 <br />Mr. Cardinal stated that a letter had been received from Mr. R. A. Matthews. <br />2046 Lindy in Roseville, who wishes to operate a game fish farm on the East <br />shore of Peltier Lake. After discussion, Mr. Cardinal moved that we write to <br />Mr. Matthews asking him to contact the St. Paul dater Dept. and the Conserva- <br />tion Department for tentative written approval from them before we consider <br />the matter. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Cardinal reported that Dale Tresler had requested a variance at the P&Z <br />for a 14' by 20' building to be used as living quarters for his married <br />daughter while her husband attends school. Mr. Cardinal noted that the 280 <br />sq. ft. building doesn't meet the requirements and that the P&Z had recommend- <br />ed denying the variance. Mr. Tresler had stated that it had been his intent <br />at the time he moved the building onto his lot to use it for his photography <br />work; he had installed running water and a half bath at that time; he has <br />since remodeled it for living quarters. Mr. L'Allier asked if the couple <br />were living in it now; Mr. Cardinal stated that they were not as far as he <br />knew. Mr. Jaworski moved to deny Mr. Tresler's request for a special use <br />permit to use the extra 14'x20' building on his lot for living quarters. <br />Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Cardinal asked Mr. Locher if he had been able to get any answers on the <br />road which the Ericksons had asked about building on at the P&Z meeting. Mr. <br />Locher stated that he hadn't been able to get anything from the County Atty. <br />yet. He pointed out the parcel in question on the plat map (S1 /2 of Sect. <br />31), noting that the property is along proposed Hwy 51, that the 1 acre lot <br />has neither enough size nor frontage as required. Both Mr. Locher and Mr. <br />Gotwald felt that Hwy 51 may still be constructed. The property abuts the <br />NW corner of intersection of Baldwin Lake Road and Town Road; the Village <br />maintains the road to the south line of the intersection. There was consid- <br />erable discussion on the County's responsibility and possible turnback of the <br />existing easements. It was decided that Mr. Locher will write to Bob Burman <br />giving him all the details on the easements and asking the County to take <br />action. <br />Mr. L'Allier felt that since the Village trucks have'to turn around at the <br />end of Baldwin Lake Road, they use the entire intersection for this, and thus <br />felt that the Erickson property has a driveway to a Village road. Mr. Bohjanen <br />moved to approve a variance for Donald Erickson with the stipulation that all <br />requirements of the ordinances have to be followed, including submitting a <br />legal description. Seconded by lax. Cardinal. Carried unanimously. There <br />was some discussion on future use of the land behind this piece. <br />Mr. Cardinal mentioned the letter received from Mr. Locher concerning Mr. <br />Richard Roberts' hog firm on Holly drive. Mr. L'Allier felt that this <br />operation required a special use permit. Mr. Cardinal moved to set hearings <br />on a special use permit for Mr. Richard Roberts before the P&Z at 9 P.M. on <br />November 17th and before the Council at 9 P.M. on November22nd. Seconded <br />by Mr. Rosengren. Carried unanimously. Mr. Locher will handle the notices; <br />the Clerk will notify those concerned about'the hearings. <br />Mr. Cardinal stated that he had received a survey from Mrs. Vivian Rehbein <br />who wishes to request a variance for a piece of Land less than 2 1/2 acres. <br />He will refer this to the next P&Z meeting. <br />Mir. Cardinal reported that Marvin Ramacher and Marvin LeTendre had applied for <br />a variance to Section 4.16 of the zoning code on Lot 7 of Golden's Rice Lake <br />Terrace, 6935 Lake Dr. The Clerk stated that they had filled out an appeal <br />for a variance to the zoning code, and had a letter from the Highway Dept. <br />granting permission to grade along Hwy 49 for an entrance thru the right -of- <br />way to the building site. <br />
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