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12/27/1971 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
12/27/1971 Council Minutes
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12/14/71 <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to approve the minutes of the November 22nd meeting as <br />corrected at the December 13th regular meeting. Seconded by Mr. Rosengren. <br />Motion carried with Mr. Jaworski abstaining, having been absent. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to adjourn at 9:17 P.M. Seconded by <br />Minutes approved at the meeting of December 27, 19 <br />41110 <br />Clerk- Treasurer <br />. Cardinal. <br />12/27/71 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council held on December 27, <br />1971 was called to order at 8 :09 p.m. by Mayor L'Allier with all members pre - <br />sent. Mr. L'Allier noted that the proceedings were being recorded. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to approve the, December 13th minutes as corrected. Seconded <br />by Mr. Rosengren. Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to approve the minutes of the December 14th special meeting <br />as written. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried unanimously. <br />The Clerk reported receipt of municipal court fines in the amount of $82.50 and <br />gopher bounty reimbursement for $147.10. A copy of the proposed 5 -year program <br />of Metro Sewer Board capital improvements was received. The Mayor asked that <br />copies of the summary letter be made for members and that the Metro Sewer Board <br />be called for extra copies of the book since this copy should be kept in the <br />office. A letter had been received from North Central Public Service Co. on <br />the refund of previous rate increases. A letter from the League of Minn. Munic- <br />palities on complications arising from the tax levy limitation was received as <br />well as one regarding the Metro Salary Survey for 1972. <br />The Clerk had made copies of a letter received from the State Highway Dept. on <br />the Village sign located in the triangle at Hwy 49 & Hwy 8 by the Blue Heron, <br />said letter stating that the sign must be removed in 30 days. Mr. Bohjanen <br />noted that the C&BDC had gone to some lengths to obtain permission to put the <br />sign there in the first place, and now they're rescinding it. The Clerk noted <br />that we had received our first billing from the Metro Sewer Board for 1972 in <br />the amount of $4,190.14 and asked What the Council wished to do with it. Mr. <br />L'Allier felt that the new Council would have to decide whether to pay it or <br />fight if in January. <br />The Springsted, Inc. booklet on the $550,000 bond sale was received. U. S. Lakes <br />had paid hookup fees for 8 houses in the Chamonix project. A call had been <br />received from Tom Wild of the NPCA requesting Lino Lakes' position on a request <br />by North Oaks to burn oak trees infested with oak wilt. After discussion, Mr. <br />Bohjanen moved to allow them to burn the trees. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. <br />Carried unanimously. <br />The Clerk requested clarification on handling the billing for gasoline between <br />the departments. After discussion, Mr. Rosengren moved to transfer monies from <br />the other Funds into the General Fund ona quarterly basis for the gasoline <br />used. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried unanimously. <br />A call had been received from the County inquiring whether Lino Lakes had any <br />projects to be undertaken under the Emergency Employment Act. Mr. L'Allier <br />mentioned that Mr. Jaworski had once suggested cleaning the County ditches, but <br />we had received no answer on this. Mr. Rosengren suggested that if we were to <br />get the additional 20' right -of -way from St. Joe's Church on Sunrise Ave., that <br />the trees would have to be cut. Mr. Jaworski stated that the priest had no <br />objections to taking out the trees and cutting the bank, but he couldn't see <br />
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