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01/27/1972 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
01/27/1972 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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162 <br />1/10/72 <br />this Council responsive to the wishes of the people. We will hold open town <br />hall meetings starting within 6 weeks; he hoped to see all interested citizens <br />at these meetings where we will hope to consider all good ideas. Matters belong <br />to certain departments will be transfered respectively. <br />Mr. Cardinal asked if ending fund balances for the year could be provided. The <br />Clerk stated that she had passed out sheets containing the figures. <br />A request for a resolution allowing a small portion of County Road J from Blaine <br />to Hwy 49 to be included in a Federal Aid Urban System was received and discussed. <br />Mr. Gotwald recommended sig in the res �1��gLion W. Marier moved to go with the <br />Engineer's recommendation, ��'do eoet� lb�'. °uaruinal. Carried unanimously. <br />Al Dupre stated that St. Joseph's Church was having a pre- Lenten dance and won- <br />dered if they would need a license to sell bottles of mix and have set -ups. He <br />was advised that this was a State matter; it was suggested that they raise the <br />price of the tickets and give the mix away. It was decided they would not need <br />a dance license since it would not be open to the public as they were not sell- <br />ing tickets at the door. <br />Mr. Locher advised the Clerk to charge the bill for the pump and pumphouse ads <br />to the Construction Fund; also, to transfer from the Construction Fund into the <br />General Fund for previous publications on the Chomonix utilities. Mr. Bohjanen <br />stated that he didn't like to handle the bills at the meetings; he will make a <br />recommendation on revised procedure later. <br />Mr. Gotwald recommended payment on Partial Estimate #2 from Marvin Rehbein Cont. <br />W. Cardinal moved to pay Marvin Rehbein Contracting $73,967.18 for the progress <br />in Chomonix on the sewer and water. Seconded by W. Jaworski. Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Locher noted that it was unnecessary to have a separtate resolution on pay- <br />ing these estimates, but if we did to note it was at the recommendation of the <br />Engineer. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to pay the bills as audited. Seconded by Mr. Marier. Carried. <br />W. Jaworski-moved to adjourn at 10 :36. Seconded by <br />Minutes approved at the meeting of January 27, 1972: <br />The second regular Council meeting in <br />weather, was called to order by Mayor <br />Roll call showed all members present. <br />were being recorded. <br />Cardinal. Aye. y� <br />Clerk- Treasurer <br />1/27/72 <br />January 1972, postponed due to inclement <br />Bohjanen at 8 :03 pair. on January 27th. <br />W. Bohjanen noted that the proceedings <br />Mrs. Swanson questioned how electrical inspections come about in prefab build- <br />ings. Mr. Marier stated that such buildings constructed in Minnesota would <br />automatically conform to State code; however, those consructed out of the <br />State would have to be inspected after being set up. Mr. Cardinal noted that <br />the Village makes no electrical inspections. <br />Mrs. Swanson asked if any questions she might have on these minutes would come <br />under old business and was told yes. W. Jaworski moved to approve the minutes <br />of the January 10th meeting as corrected. Seconded by W. Cardinal. Carried. <br />Mr. Bohjanen stated that before proceeding with the agenda, he would take up <br />
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