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03/27/1972 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
03/27/1972 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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3/13/72 <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to pay bills #4373 through #4403. Seconded by Mrs. Swanson. <br />Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to adjourn at 12:40 A.M. Seconde• •y Mrs. Swanson. Aye. <br />Af <br />Minutes approved at the meeting of March 27, 197 / u ,/.11 <br />Clerk- Treasurer <br />3/27/72 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council held on March 27, 1972 <br />was called to order at 8 o'clock P.M. by Mayor Bohjanen with all members <br />present. Also present was the Attorney, Landol Locher and the Clerk, Mrs. <br />June Emerton. <br />Mr. Marier moved to approve the minutes of the special March 6th meeting as <br />corrected. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried unanimously. <br />2' <br />Mayor Bohjanen asked for corrections to the minutes of the regular March 13th <br />meeting. Mrs. Swanson stated that she had lots of corrections, that she wanted <br />the Clerk to do the whole minutes over, that everything was left up in the air. <br />For example, on Page 1 there were no questions which the Council had asked of <br />Wally Hill, that they had talked about sewers, gor example; this was not com- <br />plete on the audit report. She thought the questions should be exactly as <br />asked and answered. Mr. Jaworski stated that then we should go back to a tape <br />recorder. <br />The Clerk noted that according to the League Handbook, the Clerk can word the <br />minutes as she wishes as long as all motions are recorded exactly. Mrs. Swanson <br />stated that whatever was said should be entered. She noted also that Ralph <br />L'Allier's report had taken up quite a bit of time and more should have been <br />included on fit; for instance, she had mentioned something about the St. Paul <br />papers carrying an announcement. She wished the Clerk to put in the names of <br />all who ask and answer questions. <br />Mr. Jaworski noted that in reference to correction No. 11, that the number of <br />rinks in the Village is 5, and that our men are part time whereas the 3 men <br />in the other place are full time. Mrs. Swanson asked where the other 2 parks <br />were: Mr. Jaworski stated these are at Lino Park and at the Village Hall. Mrs. <br />Swanson stated that all of the time slips she had analyzed stated that the work <br />was done at Sunrise Park. <br />Mr. Marier moved to approve the minutes as corrected and to put the corrections <br />on the first page of the next minutes. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Bohjanen called on Mrs. Caron who had asked to use the Hall every Thursday <br />evening for the TOPS Club. Mr. Bohjanen noted that the Enciromental Commission <br />meets on the third Thursday and the Civil Defense Auxiliary on the second Thursday <br />of each month. Mrs. Swanson asked if food was involved; Mrs. Caron said <br />No. Mr. Bohjanen stated that it has been the policy to let a group use the Hall <br />for 1 night per month so we don't tie it up. He noted that Tuesdays are open, <br />and asked Mrs. Caron if she would like to change nights. Mrs. Swanson asked if <br />we can have the Hall tied up for 4 nights per month, noting that there are <br />meetings on every night of the week except Friday nights. <br />Mr. Cardinal saw no objections for Tuesday nights. Mrs. Caron said they can <br />give up a night if something else was scheduled; also, they only meet for one <br />hour. Mr. Marier asked if 7 to 8 p.m. would do. Mrs. Swanson said if there <br />
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