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04/10/1972 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
04/10/1972 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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4/10/72 221 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council held on April 10, 1972 was <br />calkbd to order ar 8 P.M. by Mayor Bohjanen. Trustees present were: Cardinal, Marier <br />and Swanson; absent was: Jaworski . Also present were: Attorney Locher, Engineer <br />Gotwald and Clerk Mrs. Emerton. <br />Mr. Marier stated that it takes from 15 minutes to half hour to correct the minutes. <br />He asked if there wouldn't be a quicker way to expedite the movements rather than sit <br />here and do it like this; he thought the minutes should be right the first time. <br />Mr. Marier moved to approve the minutes of the March 27th meeting as corrected. <br />Seconded by Mrs. Swanson. Carried unanimoutly. <br />Mr. Marier moved to approve the minutes of the March 30th special meeting as written. <br />Seconded by Mrs. Swanson. Motion carried with Mr. Cardinal abstaining. <br />Mr. Dean Jiachim was next on the agenda to explain the Kinsman program. He noted <br />the following: <br />1. The program began in Circle Pines a year ago; meetings are held at Our <br />Saviour's Luthern Church. <br />2. It is part of a national program to bring adults and children who usually <br />have onlu 1 parent together. The children in the program are from 8 to <br />17 years of age. Some senior high students are involved and may be paired <br />with younger children 8 to 10 years old. <br />3. The local group has 15 boys and girls involved; 2 of the adult Kinsmen are <br />from Lino Lakes. Anyone interested can contact him. <br />Mrs. Swanson asked if this program is similar to the Big Brother group. Mr. Joachim <br />said it was on that order, but that this program was for both boys and girls; also, <br />Kinsmen will work with those who have broken laws since this is a preventative <br />program. He was thanked for his presentation and left. <br />Mr. Richard Roberts was on the agende to report on his hog operation. He said that <br />he had given up all expectations of having a feeding operation for his hogs, and that <br />he would revert back to general farming; he had 50 hogs now. <br />Mr. Cardinal said that Mr. Roberts was thus no different from any other farmer, and <br />that even if he had nore hogs, he wouldn't be commercial; Mr. Cardinal saw no problems <br />on this. <br />Mr. Melcher, neighbor of Mr. Roberts' farm, commented in the ensuing discussion that: <br />1. Mr. Roberts' boy had hauled 7 cans of garbage in 3 weeks ago. <br />2. What will happen if Roberts is caught feeding garbage? <br />3. Isn't there an ordinance that says you can't increase a hog operation? <br />Mr. Roberts told him that his boy had hauled in shelled corn from Hugo. Council felt <br />that a complaint would be made out if Roberts was feeding garbage. Mr.Locher read <br />Sect. 4.08 of Ord. 56 on farming operations. <br />Mrs. Swanson brought forth the following points: <br />I When this matter was first brought to the attention of the Council back in <br />November, it was stated that Roberts was to bring the number of hogs down to <br />50 and to eliminate feeding garbage in 60 and 30 days respectively. <br />2. Roberts was to have only 3 sows in order to eliminate the overpopulation <br />problem. <br />3. Roberts' farm property is zoned agricultural, not commercial or residential. <br />4. Roberts had not phased out the number of hogs as instructed, as an examination <br />by the CountyfHealth Officers on March 3rd showed the number of hogs to be <br />100. He had not phased out feeding garbage by that date, either. <br />5. That the November minutes said we would take Roberts at his work; the <br />investigation showed that he didn't keep his word so how does he expect us <br />to take his word again. <br />6. Suggested that we ask the Board of Health to take another check on Mr. <br />
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