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4/24/72 <br />247 <br />2. Receipt of affidavits of publication on Ord. 6U, Forrest Tagg rezoning. <br />3. Letter from Northwest Saddle Club. <br />4. Letter from Auto - Owners Insurance stating that the Plumbing Inspector is <br />covered under the V illage's $10,000 blanket position bond. <br />5. The soils map had arrived at Al Fisher's office on April 13th; Mr. Fisher is <br />available for the next Council meeting and P &Z meeting at 9 P.M. Mr. Marier felt <br />it was unnecessary for Mr. Fisher to attend the P &Z. <br />6. Checked on the $5 filing fee for the truck loan, and was told that the Bank <br />deducted this amount from their interest earnings - the Village did not pay the $5. <br />7. Deputy Clerk had complied the gasoline purchased from Oskey Bros. Petroleum <br />(later North Star Oil Corp.); Clerk requested authorization to get the federal <br />gas refund. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to authorize the Clerk to proceed with the gasoline tax refund. <br />Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried unanimously. Mrs. Swanson asked if the new <br />accounting system on gas would eliminate this tax; Clerk stated that the company <br />automatically deducts the Federal tax. <br />Clerk reported receipt of $160 in municipal court fines for March. <br />Mr. Cardinal reported on the Park Board meeting held on April 19th following the <br />County park presentation at the P &Z meeting. They had discussed and approved allowing <br />the Peach Land League to use Sunrise Park on Tuesday and Thursday nights during the ball <br />season. Mr. Cardinal moved to allow them to use the parks on the designated days. <br />Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. <br />Mr. Marier thought we had previously discussed letting the kids use the parks instead <br />of the leagues, and asked if these was availability for the kids to play both hard and <br />soft ball at the same time as the Leagues play. He was told that the Leagues only use <br />one of the diamonds at each session, but that the kids couldn't play both kinds of <br />ball after 6 P.M. on those days. <br />Vote on the motion showed all members voting in favor. <br />Mr. Cardinal stated that the Park Board had discussed charging outside teams for playing <br />on our diamonds in the amount of $100 per season plus $50 towards cleanup fees. This <br />$50 or any portion of it not used to pay our employees for cleaning up after the games <br />would be refunded at the end of the season. <br />Mr. Bohjanen asked for a definition of "outside leagues." Mr. Cardinal stated that <br />the members of the Peach Land League are from our Village, but the Skyline League is <br />from Lexington, and that if we went to Lexington we would have to pay. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to charge $100 for outside leagues to play on our ball diamonds per <br />season along with a $50 deposit towards cleaning up after the games if necessary. <br />Seconded by Mrs. Swanson. Carried unanimously. Mrs. Swanson asked if we would <br />charge our own people; Mr. Cardinal said No. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to let the Babe Ruth Little League players use Lino Park on Monday <br />nights. Seconded by Mr. Marier. Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Cardinal reported that they are getting bids to add 2 ball diamonds at Sunrise <br />Park and one here at the Hall, as well as some grading to be done at the skating rink, <br />some crushed rock, and levelling off the borrow pit at the Hall. He reported that <br />Art Johnson is looking into the cost of remodeling the warming house at Sunrise Park. <br />Mr. Cardinal stated that he had contacted the Forest Lake Schools Superintendent but <br />had not gotten word back in conjunction with adding recreational facilities at Lino School. <br />Mr. Marier asked Mr. Cardinal if he had made any headway on the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. <br />Cardinal said the Park Board had looked at the' County's park plan and had some questions <br />on it, but no comments; they had done nothing on the comprehensive plan. Mr. Bohjanen <br />