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05/16/1972 Council Minutes
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City Council Meeting Minutes
05/16/1972 Council Minutes
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4/24/72 <br />M. Marier noted that the Clerk should list the Attorney's billing by dates on <br />the list-of checks. Mrs. Swanson wished to have .a complete breakdown by item <br />and department on the list of checks. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to adjourn at 12:11 A. M. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Aye. <br />1 �L <br />✓ICI 414�� <br />Minutes approved at the meeting of May 8, 197 <br />lerk- Treasurer <br />May 16, 1972 <br />A special meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council was continued on May 16, 1972, <br />to hear individual discussion as to assessments. Notices were posted on April 28, <br />1972, for a Board of Review. Present were Mr. Bohjanen, Mr. Jaworski, Mr. Marier <br />and Mrs. Swanson. Mr. Cardinal was absent. <br />Mr. Jim Thurston was present initially to represent the County Assessor's office. <br />He stated the state has set guidelines in the form of recommendations for the <br />counties to follow in assessing. During 1971 the increase in value to residential <br />properties was set at 10% and for farm lands, 20 %. These were overal percentages, <br />but not final or binding. <br />Mrs. Sarner presented her recommendations for changes. They were: <br />1. Assessment on a wrong lot (Plat 87255) due <br />2. Reiling valuations to be left the same. <br />3. Typed list - values changed as presented. <br />and some of individuals present at May 9th <br />to clerical error. <br />Included prefabs, <br />meeting. <br />Mrs. Sarner noted that her recommendations are on these sheets, that she has <br />discussed them with the individuals involved (with one exception, that being <br />Dick Olson on Plat 87255) and that the people are satisfied. She advised that the <br />tax value on $1,000 is about $35 -$40 in Lino Lakes. <br />Mr. Marier asked if it was possible for land values to go up as much as 50% on a farm <br />in spite of the fact that the recommended increase was 20 %. Mrs. Sarner said yes it <br />would. He then wondered where does the 20% come in. She noted in some instances <br />there is no increase and it averages out. She begins her assessments with the <br />northern part of Lino Lakes which borders on Columbus Township. Values increase as <br />you go south, with the highest valuations being in the southern part of the Village. <br />Mr. Marier noted then that 20% is just as arbitary figure. <br />Mr. Ken Cobbs, from the County, informed the Council that they study sales, and <br />valuation is set based on amount of land sold. The county is tiered off using <br />6 mile strips. There are six plus basically different tiers of land values in <br />Lino Lakes, each having a different rate. Land along the freeway is selling more <br />now, so this may change. <br />Mrs. Sarner noted that 65 acres of land has just been sold in the second tier down <br />at $650.00 per acre, and no where in Lino is land assessed at $650 per acre. The <br />highest is $500.00. This is along Highway 49 in the southern part. <br />Mr. Cobbs said the 20% is an aggregate figure and that 12% overal would be a more <br />correct percentage. The 6% referred to in the May 9th minutes, paragraph 5, line <br />11, is the amount at which budget can increase. <br />
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