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05/16/1972 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/16/1972 Council Minutes
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5/16/72 <br />261 <br />Mr. Marier said the people of Lino Lakes have not reaped the - harvest of their increase. <br />Two years ago we double. The County representative said we will not increase next <br />year, taxes stay pretty much the same or decrease. Mr. Marier felt we should have <br />answers to justify the questions that might arise. <br />Mr. Harold Hansen was at the May 9th meeting, and continued his presentation at this <br />time. He noted his home was built in 1964. He hasn't done any improving or even re= <br />painted during this time. Two years ago he was assessed at $23,000 and now it is <br />set at $37,000. Taxes have gone from $1,000 to $1,800. He has been in touch with <br />Mr. Schwartz but has heard nothing. When 35E went through they took much of his <br />land. He felt he was really only being taxed on from 7 -10 acres, inasmuch as about <br />20 of the 35 acres is swamp. Mrs. Sarner gave him a breakdwon of his acerage. <br />4 acres -high land <br />3 acres -woods <br />7 acres - pasture <br />16 1/4 acres -swamp <br />2 3/4 acres -road (not taxed) <br />2 acres - building site <br />In 1970 there was $4400 value on the land and $700.00 for well, septic tank, etc., <br />which everyone has; total being $5100. <br />There are two houses. The old farm house and garage was set at $9200 in 1970, <br />and the Hansen home set at $22,690. This makes for a total of about $37,000. <br />He was advised that the mil rates would change taxes and this is what could cause <br />the big jump in 1972. Mr. Hansen said thatthis would then affect everyone around <br />there. He then presented figures on neighboring property showing that they had only <br />gone up a couple hundred dollars in assessments rather than this big amount of <br />$16,000 which his jumped. <br />He was asked if he had filled out an application to the county for revaluation. <br />He stated Mr. Schwartz had not given him anything to fill out when he was in <br />to see him. The representatives from the County said they will speak with Mr. <br />Schwartz tomorrow and see if application has been made on his behalf, and will <br />probably contact him and want to look at his property again. <br />Mr. Alvin Roetman said his value was set at $17,500 in 1968, and jumped to <br />$23,400 in 1972. He felt this was an awfully big jump. Mrs. Sarner noted that <br />he has built a garage. It is 90% complete in her estimation, and so was assessed <br />at $3000.00 for it. He was told that any loss of land for the road will be adjusted <br />in 1972. He had been assessed a little over $500.00 per acre on 3 1/2 acres. He felt <br />the market value was set too high in 1972. <br />Mr. Marier felt that this was a reasonable figure. That this was a nice home <br />and he certainly could sell it for that. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to leave the assessment as is. Seconded my Mr. Marier. <br />Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Pet Nadeau questioned his assessment. He was given the following breakdown: <br />Silo $ 500.00 <br />Pole Shed - 2150.00 <br />Barn 2500.00 <br />All Buildings 18000.00 <br />40 Acres land 12000.00 <br />
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