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05/19/1972 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/19/1972 Council Minutes
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5/19/1972 <br />The purpose of this meeting_ was to discuss the police applicants. The Personnel <br />Commission was _invited _to attend. The Police. Chief has no fill -in help at the <br />present and week ends are a real problem. <br />The Deputy Clerk read the Personnel Commission minutes dated May 1, 1972. <br />Mr. Bohjanen noted that the Personnel Commission met twice and put considerable <br />time into this matter. They recommended the hiring of Clifford Ross, Jr. <br />Mr. Cardinal made a motion to hire, on the Personnel Commission's recommendation <br />Clifford Ross, Jrl, as part -time police officer. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. <br />2€ 3 <br />Mrs. Swanson advised that the Council abide by appointment processes. she read <br />the regulations regarding this. Some of these were: "civil service system ", <br />"trained interviewer" and :'written;,tests" <br />Mr. Bohjanen said he asked the county if they would qualify civil service. They <br />couldn't. The state said there would be a $50.00 charge and then $1.00 for each <br />application made. He said the feeling here was that for part -time hiring this is <br />too expensive. <br />Mrs. Swanson said that even as regarded the interviewer, Mr. Myhre isn't qualified - <br />he hasn't passed civil service himself. She just didn't want to be responsible <br />for hiring under our present system. There is a bonafide way of doing it. <br />Mr. Jaworski called for a vote for the motion on the floor. <br />The vote regarding the above motion was: Mr. Jaworski, Aye; Mrs. Swanson,No; <br />Mr. Marier, Aye, with the reservation that in the future we hire all applicants <br />according to the handbook; Mr. Cardinal, Aye; Mr. Bohjanen, Aye. Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Bohjanen stated that in the future we go over to civil service hiring. <br />That applicants be required to take the examination and it be mailed in to the state. <br />Mr. Bohjanen questioned whether we would need a Civil Service Commission or <br />Board. Mr. Marier said we would not. The state will take care of it. <br />Mr. Miller suggested a uniform set of rules be adhered to. He said Marvin Myhre had <br />a set of rules and Mrs. Swanson had one. This can be confusing. <br />Mrs. Swanson showed a number of application forms which she had secured from <br />neighboring communities, and suggested the Council look them over and choose one, <br />and then have the applicant (Clifford Ross, Jr.) fill it out. <br />Mr. Bohjanen said the Personnel Commission should look at these forms, and, in <br />fact, it was in the form of a motion at the last Council meeting that they <br />take care of it. <br />Mrs. Swanson informed the Council that Mr. Ross hadn't filled out the portion of the <br />application asking if he had ever been denied bond. Mr. Marier said the Commission <br />had questioned him on this orally, and he said he had never been denied bond. <br />Mr. Marier moved to have the Personnel Commission go over these application forms, <br />choose a form, and return it to the Council as soon as possible. <br />Also Clifford Ross, Jr. should fill out the application the Commission chooses. <br />Seconded by Mr. Cardinal, Carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to adjourn at 8:10 P.M. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried unanimously. <br />Minutes approved atthe meeting of June 12, 1972 <br />lerk- Treasurer <br />
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