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05/22/1972 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/22/1972 Council Minutes
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)64 <br />May 22, 1972 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council held on May 22, 1972 was <br />called to order by Mayor Bohjanen at 8 P.M. Present were Trustees Cardinal, Marier <br />and Swanson; absent was Trustee Jaworski due to having to work late. Also present <br />were Dick Beens, filling in for Attorney Locher, and Clerk- Treasurer Mrs. Emerton. <br />The following corrections were made to the minutes of May 8th: <br />1. Page 2, Paragraph 2, line 2, delete "developing problems on her part ", <br />replace with "personal responsibilities ". <br />2. Page 2, paragraph 4, last sentence, add "by July;" after "going; ", de- <br />lete "when ", replace it with "Wecould meet the July deadline =if ", de- <br />lete last two words. <br />3. Page line 1, add "of Managers" after "Board ". <br />4. Page 3, paragraph 1, line 2, delete "cases ", replace with "coats ". <br />5. Page 4, Item 5, line 2, strike "more, replace with "less ". <br />6. Page 8, paragraph 8, line 3, delete "and ", replace with "Task Force <br />Chairman, was asked by ", delete "had questioned ", replace with "why <br />7. Page 10, paragraph 3, line 2, strike "Directors ", change to "Managers ". <br />8. Page 10, paragraph 5, line 2, delete the second clause, replace it with <br />"have adopted by -laws and are setting up rules ". <br />Mr. Marier moved to accept the minutes of the regular May 8th meeting with the <br />chagnes as laid down. Seconded by Mrs. Swanson Carried. <br />The clerk reported receipt of the following: <br />1. Municipal Court fines in the amount of $20.00 for April. <br />2. An answer from Mattson Building and Supply Col, stating that they would <br />have to go through a complete estimating procedure to give us an exact amount <br />on what it would cost to replace the Hall, which would be expensive. However, <br />we could estimate that building costs have increased about 8% since then. <br />After discussion, Mr. Marier moved to get the cost of the extra billing if we <br />increased the insurance coverage on the Hall by 10 %. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. <br />Carried. <br />Clerk's report cont'd. <br />3. Note from League of Minnesota Municipalities that copies of the new 1971 <br />Supplement to the Handbook are not available at $3.00 each. <br />Mr. Marier moved to get six (6) copies of the Supplement to the League Band= <br />book. Seconded by Mrs. Swanson. Carried. <br />Clerk's report cont'd. <br />4. Letter dated May 9th from the Ramsey County Open Space Systen on a pro- <br />posal for a site south of County Road J adjacent to Otter Lake <br />Mr. Bohjanen noted that we had sent representatives to the meeting in White Bear <br />Township this evening on this. Mr. Marier said that Mrs. Brisson and His wife had <br />gone to the meeting. Mrs. Swanson said she hoped that the meeting could have been <br />cancelled; Mr. Bohjanen noted that it was the Board's regular date. <br />Clerk's report cont'd. <br />5. A letter from Lorenz Bus Service stating that they were cancelling two <br />of their bus runs in Lino Lakes due to lack of passengers. <br />6. Approval by State Department of Health, dated May 10th, on plans and <br />specs submitted by Suburban Engineering for water mains in Chomonix South. <br />
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