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02/09/1976 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
02/09/1976 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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18 <br />February 9, 1976 <br />The restrictions of this proposal was discussed. Mr. Zelinka felt until <br />the ground rules are set and the boundaries known, very lettle action <br />could be taken by this Council. <br />Mr. McLean moved that Mr. Burman be contacted and asked to attend a <br />Council meeting for an explaination of this problem and the Council can <br />then make a decision as whether to support Ham Lake in the Resolution <br />or not. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Jaworski, from the audience, wondered if the Council understood <br />what the County is trying to do in establishing the taxing district - <br />this will deprive the Council of the right to make a decision in the <br />matter of Police protection. He urged the Council to support Ham Lake <br />in their position. <br />Mayor Bohjanen thanked the men for their presentation and said the City <br />will be in contact with them. <br />Mr. Karth had no report. Mr. Schneider asked about the cash flow in <br />the road department. Mr. Volk had been asked to submit his plans for this <br />coming year. Mr. Schneider felt he must have this planned expenditures <br />in order to finalize this cash flow report. <br />Mr. Karth thought the plan is pretty much finished - it is just a matter <br />of getting it all on paper. Mr. McLean asked if this would be a short <br />or long range plan and Mr. Karth said, Both. Mr. Karth said the plan <br />does not include any expansion of streets - just repair and maintenance <br />of the present streets. Mr. McLean asked if this plan would only include <br />roads and Mr. Karth said, No, it also includes vehicles. <br />Mr. Schneider asked what the basis for the figures in the 1976 budget <br />was and Mr. McLean said this was from figures presented by Mr. Jaworski <br />and Mr. Volk. <br />Mr. Jaworski said the 1976 budget was built on a 20% increase over the <br />1975 budget. Mr. Schneider asked about the figures presented by Mr. <br />Volk. The Clerk said they are in her files and she will get a copy for <br />him. <br />Mr. McLean questioned the snow plows being on the road today. Mr. Karth <br />said they were scraping and clearing the edges - pushing the snow back <br />out of the way in the event of a snow storm. <br />Mr. McLean wondered if the plows were out just to keep the men busy. <br />If the work is not necessary, the men could be sent home. Mr. Zelinka <br />felt there should be a more clearly defined procedure on this. Mr. <br />Zelinka asked for Council ideas on when to plow. He thought there is a <br />need to set policy and present recommendations. <br />Mr. McLean felt the recommendations should come from Mr. Volk. Mr. <br />Zelinka felt the Council should set the Policy or approve Mr. Volk's <br />recommendation's so he has some guide lines. <br />Mr. McLean pointed out how the work is done on a dead end street. The <br />first day the flows go in and out, the 2nd day the street is widened, <br />then sanded, but on a warm day such as this one, the plows come along <br />and scrape the sand off. He felt that since the sand is put there to <br />help melt the snow, the plow crews are defeating their purpose. <br />
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