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02/23/1976 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
02/23/1976 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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February 23, 1976 <br />The regular scheduled meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order <br />at 8:00 P. M., February 23, 1976, by Mayor Bohjanen. Council members present; <br />Karth, McLean, Schneider. Absent; Zelinka. Mr. Locher had not yet arrived. <br />Senator Milton was present and presented Mayor Bohjanen with a copy of the Land <br />Use Bill being considered by the State Senate. This is the bill that had been pass- <br />ed out of the senate. He said he had attended this meeting to answer any quest- <br />ions the Council or audience might have and to meet the two new Council members. <br />Senator Milton said the Stadium issue is one of the more important items being <br />considered at this session. He said he had received over 200 letters and only <br />one had been in favor of the proposed stadium. Senator Milton gave his phone <br />number - 296 -4168 - if any one has any ideas for his consideration, he would <br />appreciate a call. His office is open and if anyone plans to be at the Capitol, <br />just call and let him know and he will make a point to be available. <br />Mayor Bohjanen thought all Council members should have a copy of this bill. <br />It should be studied and their thoughts should be forwarded to Senator Milton. <br />He suggested these ideas be formulated by the Special meeting scheduled for March'l, <br />1976. <br />Senator Milton said if the Council or the Residents have any ideas, now is the <br />time to present them, while the Legislature is in session. He felt getting ideas <br />across to the agencies of the Metropolitan Council is much easier while the <br />Legislature is in session. <br />He thanked the Council for their time and said he would look forward to hearing <br />from them. Mayor Bohjanen thanked the Senator for taking time out of his busy <br />schedule to attend this meeting. <br />Mr. Zelinka and Mr. Locher had arrived. <br />On considering the minutes of February 9, 1976, Mr. Karth moved to approve <br />the-minutes as presented. Seconded by Mr. McLean. Motion carried unanimously. <br />The Clerk presented the following items for Council consideration: <br />..The application forms and the sample Resolutions necessary for the Flood Hazard <br />Insurance had arrived. These were turned over to Mr. Locher for checking. <br />..Chief Myhre had computed the costs of the Police Department in connection with <br />service to the MMTC. Mr. Wilcox, of that institution had called and asked if <br />the bill could be submitted soon. The general feeling of the Council was this <br />bill was not enough. Chief Myhre was asked to explain how he arrived at the <br />figures. Chief Myhre said he took the amount spent on Police coverage by the <br />City for the year 1975 and divided the hours spent in connection with the es- <br />capees, including the Clerk's time, and arrived at a per hour cost figure. <br />After some discussion, Mr. Schneider moved to table until March 8, 1976 and <br />recompute the figures. Seconded by Mr. McLean. Motion carried unanimously. <br />..The Governor's Conference on State Preparedness will be held March 10, 1976 <br />at the Hopkins House in Hopkins, Minnesota. Mayor Bohjanen requested Council <br />approval to authorize Mr. Charles Cape, CD Director, to attend this confernce. <br />Mr. McLean so moved. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Costs for this attendance will be charged to the CD Fund. The Mayor will <br />also attend this conference if he can arrange his schedule to permit the time. <br />..Read a letter submitted to the Metropolitan Waste Control regarding Sewer <br />Charges. Several enclosures had been omitted from Mr. Dougherty's original <br />
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