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03/08/1976 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
03/08/1976 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />March 8, 1976 <br />a community can handle the 16 hours a day, it would be the Sheriff's respon- <br />sibility to cover the emergencies in the off hours. Basically, the only int- <br />erest of this Board is to get some aid from the units of governments who do <br />not levy any amount to pay for law enforcement. <br />There was discussion of the services that are being paid for by all communities, <br />but some receive more benefits than others, such as the ice arenas, library, <br />hospital, etc. <br />Mr. Burman agreed. He said as the County and Communities grow, more services <br />are required and as the communities grow, they in turn assume more of the res- <br />ponsibility of providing those services. He said he didn't like the service <br />district theory. If it had been requested by the communities and then impl- <br />emnetated by the Board, this would have been a more equitable way of establish- <br />ing the service districts. He felt the whole affair had been done backwards. <br />The action had been brought on by the cancelling of the contracts and creating <br />a deficit in the Sheriff's budget. <br />Mr. Burman said the Senior Citizens day will be held later than usual this <br />year due to some problems with the fiscal disparity act. Tax statements will <br />not be out until after the first of May. He also reported on a joint effort <br />for the use of the Central Communications system. He will prepare a rough <br />draft for Council consideration. He hopes to mail this information to all res- <br />idents and will consider including the Information Guide prepared by the City <br />in the mailing. <br />Mr. Redipenny, of the Anoka County Highway Department, was here to explain the <br />North Road project. He told the Council of the plans for concrete curbs and <br />gutters along that street from Lexington Avenue to Old Highway #8. A portion <br />of this planned work is in Lino Lakes. Mr. Redipenny said the section from <br />Sunset to Lakeview on the North side of North Road would be the responsibility <br />of this City. He said the communities of Circle Pines and Blaine have agreed <br />to the corrcept and he needs the 'approval in concept' of this Council before <br />the final plans can be made. He was asked the cost of the curbs and gutters <br />and said the cost is approximately $4.00 to $5.00 per running foot. The County <br />pays for 50% and the Community pay for 50%. <br />Mr. Gotwald arrived. <br />Mr. Redipenny was asked if there is to be sidewalks on the South side of the <br />street and he said, Yes, all the way to Old Highway $8. He said the install- <br />ation of sidewalks on the North Side is up to the City. The portion of land <br />beyond Lakeview is owned by the County or the State and it will be their res- <br />ponsibility to install the curbs and gutters and the sidewalks in that area. <br />Mr. Redipenny asked the Council to give some thought as to placing the side- <br />walks outside the County right -of -way to allow for boulevards. Sidewalks will <br />not be placed on the North side of North Road to the West of the school at this <br />time but the provisions has been made for them if and when the land is developed. <br />Mr. Redipenny said he will be returning with a four way agreement in order to <br />get this project 'linden way. Mr. Schneider asked, when? Mr. Redipenny said, <br />quite soon. He thought the agreement was in the process of being written now. <br />What he needs from this Council is an understanding that they can agree to this <br />project. <br />Mr. McLean asked if the cost figures are available and Mr. Redipenny said, Yes. <br />
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