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03/08/1976 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
03/08/1976 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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36 <br />March 8, 1976 <br />Mr. Gotwald was asked if he had any questions and he said his firm would be <br />interested in the grade and the proposed changes, if any. <br />Mr. Schneider asked if the costs could be assessed to the property owners? Mr. <br />Locher said, Yes, and noted the legal requirements of publication and public <br />hearing. <br />Mr. Redipenny said he could have the cost figures to the Clerk in a couple <br />days. Mr: McLean said it is then a matter of setting a hearing date. Mr. <br />Locher, Mr. Gotwald and the Clerk are to set the figures per property owner. <br />A tentative date for the hearing was set for Monday, April 12, 1976. <br />Mr. Redipenny told the Council the Anoka County Highway Department will be work- <br />ing on a plan for the improvement of Old Highway #8 from Lilac Street North <br />this summer and will be contacting Mr. Gotwald in connection with that plan. <br />Mr. McLean asked Mr. Burman if this Council moved to adopt the Ham Lake Resol- <br />ution, would that assist him in getting the resolution establishing the service <br />districts recinded? Mr. Burman thought it would. <br />Mr. McLean moved to adopt the Resolution as presented by Ham Lake for submission <br />to the Anoka County Board of Commissioners. Seconded by Mr. Schneider. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Locher said there must be two publications of the notice for a public hear- <br />ing. The publication must state the time, place, nature of improvements and <br />estimated costs. Last publication must be ten days before the hearing. There <br />will be time for the publications if the date is set at the next Council meeting. <br />The Clerk was instructed to get the cost figures for curb, gutters and sidewalks <br />and the estimated front footage affected. Mr. Gotwald asked if it would not be <br />necessary to do a feasibility study,and Mr. Locher said, Yes. <br />Mr. McLean moved to direct Mr. Gotwald to prepare a feasibliity study of that <br />portion of North Road as affected by this project, with figures based on the <br />County's cost estimates. Seconded by Mr. Schneider. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Locher suggested the sidewalks be included in this improvement can be del- <br />eted from a project but they cannot be added once the hearing is set. Mr. Locher <br />reminded the Council, since these improvements are not by petition, a 4/5's <br />vote of the Council is necessary to order the improvements. <br />Mr. McLean asked how long is the normal period for the repaying of an assess- <br />ment such as this and Mr. Gotwald said they rarely go over five years. He will <br />present the cost figures for different time periods. <br />The Clerk reported on the following items; <br />..A conference scheduled for newly elected Mayors and Council members is to be <br />held on April 9th and IOth at the Radisson Inn Plymouth. The notice was given <br />to the new members. <br />..Received a notice of a public hearing on the proposed amendments to the rules <br />for voter registration. A copy may be obtained but since these are only prop - <br />osed rule changes, it was suggested that a copy of the final changes be ob- <br />tained. <br />..Received a copy of the application for permit to control the floating bogs <br />in Peltier Lake. The maps were consulted and the matter discussed. This sub- <br />
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